La question des sanctions prises contre la Russie suite à son invasion de l’Ukraine le 24 février a fait couler beaucoup d’encre. Ces sanctions ont été mal pensées et mal mis en œuvre. Elles vont provoquer une crise énergétique grave dans les pays de l’Union européenne.
Une faute stratégique européenne : la question des sanctions et de l’énergie – Jacques Sapir
Gaël Giraud sur la guerre en Ukraine : solution négociée ou destruction totale
Interview 1740 - Declare Your Independence From The Media Matrix
Israel kills 10 in surprise attacks on Gaza
Australia to Protect Barrier Reef by Banning Coal Mine
Expulser un imam antisioniste ? Le refus de la justice
Valls, Cazeneuve, Habib : les macabres dessous de la passion
Une mythologie nommée Al-Qaïda
It’s the Free Speech, Stupid
Israel accused of seizing crypto wallets from traders in Gaza
Theaters of War in Military Times – But is it Propaganda?
Vous avez dit Communisme ? Conférence de Frédéric Lordon
Israel tightens Gaza chokehold
Interview 1739 - New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
This Is A Soviet Show Trial
BOMBSHELL: It’s All Unraveling Now…
Theaters of War – Matt and Tom on Fortress on a Hill
As Earth Spins Faster, Meta Joins Fight Against Leap Seconds
Israeli fire kills two more Palestinian children
LA CIA ET LES MÉDIAS (2/6) – Quand l’Agence infiltre la Presse
Alex Jones Getting Screwed! + AMA
A Mass Media Reading List - Questions For Corbett #088
WOW! Just When You Thought It Was Crazy Enough!
As Species Recover, Some Threaten Others in More Dire Shape
Palestine in Pictures: July 2022
How Outdoor Enthusiasts Can Help Research About Climate
Pantouflage : Ces anciens membres du Congrès devenus lobbyistes agents de l’étranger
BREAKING: It’s Happening! But It’s NOT What You Think…
US Will Plant One Billion Trees to Combat Climate Change
To Stem Monkeypox Spread, Health Departments Tap Into Networks of Most at Risk
Make Nostalgia Great Again
La guerre révèle les failles de notre système économique – Alastair Crooke
Jon Stewart Melts Down at Jack Posobiec Outside U.S. Capitol — Then Makes Peace
Episode 423 - Into The Metaverse (The Media Matrix — Part 3)
My Review Of Alex’s War
BOMBSHELL: Rogan Just Revealed Something HUGE!
Gaza's queen of quilling
Seven Key Provisions in the Climate Deal
US basketball coach touring Israel rejects Palestinian rights
Too Secret? The Secret Service’s Long, Troubling History of Omerta
Les 37 personnes tuées à Melilla sont les victimes de la politique criminelle de l’Europe
WOW! The Official Story Is A LIE!
Beirut’s 2020-Blast-Hit Grain-Silos Suddenly Collapse in Massive Plume of Debris
Andrew Yang’s Forward Party Uses GOP Talking Points to Describe Democrats
Technocracy is Insane, Anti-Human and it WILL Fail
Welcome to the Anthropocene — The Age of Human Die-offs
Revue de presse du 31/07/2022
Restoring Faith in Elections One Doubter at a Time
Interview 1738 - James Corbett on The Budding Biosecurity State
Spot the Differences
Les États-Unis s’engagent à traquer les criminels de guerre russes – mais ignorent les leurs
Theaters of War on the Dangerous History Podcast
Ben & Jerry's owner Unilever admits it melted under Israel's threats
China’s Army Posts “Get Ready for War!” Message as State Media Says Military Has “Right” to Intercept Pelosi’s Plane
Israel carries out killings, revenge demolitions in Nablus
Governments Ramp Up Demands for User Info, Twitter Warns
Rep. Jamaal Bowman Looks on the Bright Side
Violence armée : la seconde Guerre civile américaine est-elle lancée ?
“Tipping Point”: DC Mayor Calls for National Guard to “Indefinitely” Help With Bussed-In Migrants
Interview 1737 - New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
LIFETIME Membership!? AMA
BREAKING: The BIG GUY Truth Is Coming Out…
Meta facilities bullying of Palestine activists
Hidden Menace: Massive Methane Leaks Speed Up Climate Change
Post-Pandemic Life: Out With the New, in With the Old
High court eases way for expulsion of Israel's Palestinian citizens
Judge tosses bogus anti-Semitism claims against Pittsburgh university
New EU report on settlements can't be taken seriously
How Fish Poop Might Help Corals Overcome Bleaching
How the Pentagon dictates Hollywood storylines – Theaters of War in Middle East Eye
LA CIA ET LES MÉDIAS (1/6) – La manipulation de la presse américaine
WOW! This Goes MUCH Deeper Than We Know!
Abu Akleh family demands US holds Israel accountable
Saudi Arabia slow dances into Israel's arms
Labour right guilty of "weaponizing" anti-Semitism, inquiry finds
U.S. Carrier Group Heads Towards Taiwan Ahead of Potential Pelosi Trip as China Warns of “Forceful Response”
Scientists Find 30 Potential New Species at Bottom of Ocean
The National Security Act Turns 75 – and so do the US Military’s Entertainment Liaison Offices
Ukraine Issues Blacklist of “Russian Propagandists”—Includes U.S. Senator Rand Paul, Tulsi Gabbard, Glenn Greenwald
Gun Safety ‘Wrapped in a Mental Health Bill’: Health Provisions in the New Law
Interview 1736 - James Corbett on Media, Truth and Power
Où va l’économie russe avec la guerre et les sanctions ? par Jacques Sapir
La Compil’ de la Semaine
The Biggest Crime Ever Committed On Humanity + More AMA
Cruelty against Gaza patients enabled by US and EU
YIKES: This Is BEYOND Orwellian!
Brutalized at sea, fishers quit due to Israeli attacks
After Selling for $43 Million, Rare Copy of US Constitution Goes on Display
AFSOC and the Swag Bag Controversy
A Watertight Case
How Sustainable Are Fake Meats?
Taking on the "charities" that fund Israel's settlers
Irak : L’ennemi juré des États-Unis, Muqtada al-Sadr, crée le chaos au Parlement
Whistleblowers Say FBI Sabotaged Hunter Biden Evidence to Derail Investigation
AMA Don’t Screw Yourself Tyrone!
The Real Reason They’ve Collected Your DNA
You Can Find the Tech Behind the Webb Telescope Down Here on Earth
Bulgaria Report
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