Le prometteur marché de l’eau s’annonce comme le prochain casino mondial. Les géants de la finance se battent déjà pour s’emparer de ce nouvel “or bleu”. Enquête glaçante sur la prochaine bulle spéculative.
A la croisée des chemins où nous nous trouvons, il est essentiel de décrypter les différents moyens employés pour nous dire de remettre à plus tard toute action, écrit Mark Maslin
This is Sibel Edmonds, reporting on the ground from Turkey. Last year I began publishing back-to-back reports on Iran based on increased covert and overt activities in the region. My reports were all based on my travels in the region, my first-hand sources, extensive research and analyses. In this episode I provide the overview of […]
Corbynism and Chanukah: A Response to Joe Glasman: Guest Post by Deborah Maccoby
The triumphal Facebook video[1] celebrating the election result that was made by Joe Glasman, Director of Political Investigations at the Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA) only confirms what we all knew already: what a coordinated, orchestrated effort the non-stop, virulent smear campaign against Corbyn has been: “every single day, we all rolled up our sleeves and fought for the same cause…..you all had a natural and unshakeable moral understanding of what needed to be done”.
Will Trump’s ‘Leadership’ Curb America’s Appetite for War?
Reading Time: 3minutes
If you believe the new decade needs a good shooting war in the Middle East, then the year got off to a great start: Less than two days into 2020, the world found itself a big step closer to armed conflict between Iran and the US.
Tens of Thousands Rally Against War With Iran in Over 70 Cities Across US
People from across the United States heeded calls from the ANSWER Coalition and CODEPINK on Saturday, resulting in protests against a possible U.S. war on Iran in more than 70 cities across 38 U.S. states.
Reading Time: < 1minute Prisoners can't vote. They have no political power. But they count in the census. And that’s exactly why lawmakers want them in their districts.
Imagine this. You can barely hang on to your low-paying job. You have a terrible toothache — you can’t afford a dentist — but you still try to do the work. One day, you come down with the flu, but you work anyway. Your flu turns into pneumonia and you’re taken to an emergency room. You miss many days of work and, because you are paid by the hour, you lose money. A doctor prescribes an antibiotic but you can’t afford it, unless you want to give up food.
Les habitants du Moyen-Orient ne se considèrent pas comme des cases sur l’échiquier de quelqu’un d’autre, et les perturbations actuelles montrent que ce n’en sont pas.
“We Do Not Seek War,” Says President Who Just Started a War
President Trump has been steadfastly assuring the world that the United States government does not wish to start the war it has already started by assassinating Iran’s top general.
The author writes, “In a state with the world’s fifth largest economy, physical assaults and criminalization efforts have made 2019 a particularly grim year for the homeless.”
Major US Cities Ramp Up Security to Prepare for Potential Iran Attacks
Major US metropolitan areas are taking extra measures to protect high-value assets and their civilians from revenge attacks following U.S. airstrikes in Iraq Friday that killed a top Iranian general.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio tweeted Thursday night that the New York City Police Department (NYPD) will take “immediate steps…protect key NYC locations from any attempt by Iran or its terrorist allies to retaliate against America. We will have to be vigilant against this threat for a long time to come.”
Is 2020 the Year That AI Finally Exerts Its Promised Power?
Reading Time: 15minutes
Every year for the past six years, the New York Times has held a major international conference on artificial intelligence (AI). Not climate change, or healthcare, or politics, but AI. China has made it a central focus of its national agenda. Yet US leaders have paid very little attention to what AI is or how it works. (Have you heard any of the candidates for president, other than Andrew Yang, devote a major speech to it?)
How Will Iran Respond After US Killing of Top General?
Reading Time: 14minutes
Six months ago, WhoWhatWhy presented a cast of characters that could trigger a war between the US and Iran. Now that Quds Force General Qasem Soleimani has been assassinated in an American drone strike in Baghdad, that list is shorter… but the possibility of another armed conflict in the Middle East is much higher.
You can find a profile of Soleimani below; he’s number 5 on our list.
La Miviludes, privée du quart de ses effectifs, quittera le 1er janvier prochain le giron de Matignon pour intégrer le ministère de l’Intérieur. Malgré le semblant de garanties données par l’exécutif, l’action antisectes a du plomb dans l’aile.
On sait que l’affaire Boeing-737Max est devenue une crise en soi, qui mérite d’être suivie avec attention dans la mesure où elle reflète bien les comportements et l’évolution du Corporate Power dans cette époque de crise générale, ou Grande Crise d’Effondrement du Système. La crise Boeing-737Max est d’autant plus intéressante qu’elle réunit des éléments fondamentaux de la postmodernité et de notre contre-civilisation :
US Assassination of Iran’s Top Military Leader May Ignite World War 3
The US has admitted to assassinating Iran’s most beloved military leader, General Qassem Soleimani, in a drone strike which seems very likely to ignite a full-scale war. Six others are also reported killed, including Iraqi militia commander Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.
Iran’s Most Important and Powerful Military Leader Assassinated in US Airstrike
Live Feed from Baghdad:
Update 2:
It’s official — unbelievable as it is — Iraqi state TV moments ago announced the death of Iran’s most senior elite military commander, IRGC Quds Force chief Qasem Soleimani:
New Year’s Eve Sees Nationwide Gun Violence, Ending Record-High Year of Mass Killings
Reading Time: 2minutes
Lawmakers Pledge ERA Will Pass in Virginia. Then What? (Reader Steve)
The author writes, “The proposed 28th amendment to the U.S. Constitution faces a host of likely legal challenges and vehement opposition from conservative activists who depict the ERA as a threat to their stances on abortion and transgender rights.
China’s Repression of Hong Kong and the Uighur Muslims: Two Becomes One?
Reading Time: 5minutes
HONG KONG — An armed riot policeman aims his revolver directly at the face of a terrified female protester who is holding only a flimsy political poster which reads “heaven will destroy the CCP [Chinese Communist Party].”
Ceux qui vivent en Occident n’ont qu’un son de cloche – celui d’un communisme conquérant, écrit Jonathan Cook
Si l’on arrive à se sortir de l’urgence climatique, il se pourrait bien qu’on en vienne à considérer les quelques décennies de la guerre froide, après la seconde guerre mondiale, comme des jours heureux – du moins en comparaison de la situation du moment.
La plus grande partie de la classe dirigeante corrompue du Liban sont des clients des États-Unis et de l’Arabie Saoudite, pas de l’Iran. Mais ce fait est trop peu commode pour que les médias occidentaux le soulignent, écrit As`ad AbuKhalil.
Après une observation du 20h de France 2 du 1er au 4 décembre, le bilan est sévère pour le service public. Son traitement de la grève du 5 décembre, qui n’invite à aucune prudence langagière, se résume en un mot simple : la propagande.
You may be wondering: What’s next for WhoWhatWhy? Glad you asked!
We’re not exactly a household name — not yet, but we’re coming on like gangbusters. We’ve grown a lot in the past year, and so has our audience. We have more people, more content, and more aspirations to help explain and improve this crazy world in our modest but — we hope — effective way.
As 2019 slides into 2020, we pause for a moment to ponder this mysterious thing called time. You can’t hold it in your hand. You can’t stop it, slow it down, speed it up, or run it in reverse. You can’t see it any more than you can see the wind. But you can see its effects.
Here, we present insights into the elusive nature of time, as captured in words and images. (This collection was first published January 1, 2014.)
Ghislaine Maxwell “Relieved” by Epstein’s Death, Family Friend Says
The former girlfriend of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein believes she can dodge prosecution in the elite pedophile ring she is alleged to be a part of because she has “serious dirt” on powerful people, a friend of British socialite’s family told the Sun.
Ghislaine Maxwell has long been accused of procuring underage girls for her boyfriend and their wealthy friends but has, thus far, evaded prosecution.
Apache Gunships Try to Disperse Mob as Kataib Hezbollah Flags Erected Over Embassy
Dramatic footage over the US embassy in Baghdad as enraged protesters continue to encircle the compound with US Marines still inside, and reportedly with more Marines on the way from nearby Kuwait:
Science Students, Teachers Get Times Square New Year’s Stage
Reading Time: 2minutes
Waters Off California Are Acidifying Twice as Fast as the Global Ocean (Mili)
The author writes, “California coastal waters contain some of our nation’s more economically valuable fisheries, including salmon, crabs and shellfish.
Gun violence is a uniquely American problem that has left the rest of the world scratching their heads over how a country could choose guns over the lives of its citizens. We have looked at various aspects of this issue and here are some of our top articles from this year.
Nous savons que : Julian Assange est un citoyen australien. La société de publication qu’il a co-fondée (Sunshine Press) est domiciliée en Islande et leur site Wikileaks est hébergé.. euh… quelque part.
A priori, la guerre, c’est nul. Pourtant on continue d’envoyer des soldats se faire plomber le popotin aux quatre coins du monde. Mais quelle est la recette pour convaincre tout un peuple du bien-fondé d’une ingérence militaire à l’étranger ? Un bon plan de com’ évidemment !
No More Voter ID… for Now: A federal court in North Carolina foiled the GOP-majority legislature’s effort to require photo ID for voting last week. The decision comes as the state chapter of the NAACP awaits a trial regarding its December 2018 lawsuit against this law. If successful, the voter ID requirement could be struck down in its entirety before the 2020 primaries.
“Don’t Touch Kids You Pervert!”: Biden Middle School Gym Rally Melts Down Into Chaos
A Joe Biden event on Sunday at a New Hampshire Middle School gymnasium was interrupted by two protesters, who assailed ‘quid pro Joe’ with accusations of being a ‘pervert’ and making money in Ukraine.
US Firms Are Forcing Workers to Train Their Own Foreign Replacements
Reading Time: 2minutes
A ‘Candyland for Sheriffs’ (Reader Steve)
FromProPublica: “California has given counties more than $8 billion to handle thousands of new inmates. But lax spending rules and limited scrutiny have allowed some sheriffs to use that money for other things, which may violate state law.”
WhoWhatWhy features new artwork on the top of the front page each day to promote and illustrate the most important stories we publish. These “panoramas” are replaced quickly — usually within 48 hours — which is a shame because a lot of work goes into them and they are true works of art.
As part of our series reviewing WhoWhatWhy’s work this year, below are some of our favorite panoramas from 2019.
La falsification de l’Holocauste est très dominante en Lituanie, qui a initié et conduit de nombreuses initiatives en Europe de l’Est pour réécrire le récit de la Seconde Guerre mondiale et de l’Holocauste.
Dès le soir du 5 décembre et jusqu’à la veille des « annonces » d’Édouard Philippe, journalistes et éditorialistes ont excellé dans l’art d’ « interviewer » les opposants à la « réforme » des retraites.
Enquête | Après l’émoi autour de l’incendie, de multiples questions restent en suspens : la sécurité incendie était-elle à la hauteur de l’édifice ? Les pouvoirs publics ont-ils réagi suffisamment vite sur la question du plomb ? Ce chantier peut-il tenir la promesse d’une reconstruction en cinq ans ?
The outstanding work of our Images Department, which is headed by an artist who goes by the nom de guerre “DonkeyHotey,” is the main reason WhoWhatWhy has such a unique look.
Et une petite dernière pour 2019 ! Notre appel à articles de l’année écoulée de la semaine dernière n’ayant malheureusement rencontré que très peu de succès, il s’agit là d’une revue de presse classique. Merci à nos contributeurs pour leur travail au long cours durant l’année, voire durant les précédentes…
White Helmets Founder Allegedly Driven to Suicide by Syria Skeptics
Imperialist spinmeisters are trial-ballooning a new Syria narrative that is so breathtakingly stupid it needs its own article solely for the purpose of mockery.
« Resistance is useless » (Douglas Adams, « The hitchikers guide to the galaxy » ) (1)
Dans le discours sur la réforme des retraites prononcé par le Premier ministre Edouard Philippe le 11 décembre dernier, un paragraphe a frappé mon esprit. Il s’agit du texte suivant :
Drawing Conclusions — Cartoons Say So Much More Than Words Alone
Reading Time: 2minutes
A good political cartoonist can make people smile with just a few images. A great political cartoonist will also make them think. In 2019, WhoWhatWhy hired one of the best in the business and we are pleased to serve as a platform for Ted Rall’s unique brand of cartoons.
Below is a small sampling of his work, which usually runs on Saturdays and quickly has won a loyal following.
Aude Lancelin reçoit François Ruffin, député et fondateur de Fakir. Le réalisateur de « Merci Patron ! » publie « Il est où le Bonheur » aux éditions Les Liens qui Libèrent. Au menu de cet entretien intense: son rapport à la FI, à l’écologie, aux Gilets jaunes, au monde selon Macron.
US Sanctions Backfire: Russia’s Gazprom and Ukraine Make Landmark Deal
Sanctions-happy Washington continues to aid in a slow rapprochement between Russia and Ukraine. Ironically enough, at moment the US is demanding Nord Stream 2 contractors to lay down their tools and wind-down operations “immediately” or face further sanctions, there’s been an unprecedented breakthrough in the standoff between Russian state energy giant Gazprom and Kiev:
Where Rent is $13,500, She Lives Off What’s Left at the Curb (Russ)
From the New York Times: “No one knows how many people in the city make a living returning deposit containers, but this year an environmental consulting firm, Eunomia, estimated the number at 4,000 to 8,000.
Here are the final five of our curated list of podcasts that we think reflect both what we’ve all been through this past year and where we’re headed in 2020.
This year WhoWhatWhy has been proud to deliver to you 63 podcasts from professors, authors, political activities, entrepreneurs, US senators, investigative journalists, economists, members of the House of Representatives, scientists and thought leaders.
En septembre 2017, le quotidien Ouest-France a gratifié ses lecteurs d’un article sidérant [1], qui mérite d’être exhumé aujourd’hui, compte tenu de l’actualité sociale. Cet article dénonçait en effet la réforme des retraites décidée alors par le gouvernement polonais. Qu’on y songe : de 67 ans jusque-là, l’âge de départ à la retraite était abaissé à 65 ans pour les hommes et à 60 pour les femmes.
Rachel Maddow Called Out by WaPo Columnist for Peddling Fake News
Conspiracy theorist and MSNBC host Rachel Maddow has been called out by Washington Post columnist Erik Wemple for breathlessly peddling the Steele Dossier – becoming a “clearinghouse” for the largely debunked opposition research funded by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC in 2016 (and fed to the MSM six weeks be