Eric Montana soutient Panamza. Et vous ?
Interview 1363 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
Déclaration franco-canadienne
Making the EU Great Again
La réunion 2018 du Groupe de Bilderberg
Police raid scientists who discovered new vaccine dangers
Police raid scientists who discovered new vaccine dangers
L’Unesco veut convaincre vos enfants que les «sionistes» ne «complotent» jamais
Liberté d’expression : 1, censure : 0 – Youtube réactive ER TV
Did Voter Suppression Cost Democrats a Crucial Victory?
« Contre la haine »? Découvrez le clip gouvernemental produit par l’extrémiste sioniste Gil Taieb
Ramadan : le message de Chalghoumi
Fake news : La grande peur… Par Richard Labévière
Le débat d’Europe Soir – Frédéric Taddeï – Italie : déni de démocratie ?
Panamza en danger
Activists disrupt Israeli ambassador in Chicago
Italie : l’union par la souveraineté
Youtube bans video showing boy murdered by Israeli assassins due to its “violent or graphic content”. In other words, if Israel murders Palestinian children in broad daylight, we’re not allowed to see it.
Next Target of Israeli Assassins?
“Why Is Israel Shooting to Death Protesters?” “Well, We Can’t Put All of These People in Jail”
“Did you tell your girlfriend it was you who killed a young woman the same age as her?”
Anne Hidalgo « confesse » sa quasi-conversion au judaïsme
Time Is On Our Side — Are You?
Netanyahou massacre des Palestiniens : Macron et les leaders juifs l’accueillent en héros
Protest against Netanyahu shuts down Champs-Élysées
The Meaning of Little
The FBI thought the TV show The Untouchables inspired Criminals - Spy Culture
Illiteracy leads to censorship
Illiteracy leads to censorship
Mind Controlling Your Computer
Le PM iraquien sortant remet en cause la Commission électorale
Religious extremism is at the heart of US support for Israel
Bobby Kennedy’s Reaction to Seeing Hunger Up Close in America
Les relations entre les présidents Trump et Macron se détériorent
June 5, 2018
“L’origine nazie du nom de l’Iran” : les iranologues démontent BHL (3/3)
[RussEurope-en-Exil] L’Italie et la question des « monnaies parallèles » : une voie de sortie de l’Euro ? Par Jacques Sapir
Palestinians score as Argentina cancels Israel match
Meet Paul Ehrlich, Pseudoscience Charlatan
Isn’t It Time for the NY Times to Declare (Moral) Bankruptcy?
Israeli soldiers shooting in self-defense against Hamas terrorists
Unique Recollections of the Night RFK Was Gunned Down
Dubai billionaire urges Arabs to get cozy with Israel
Israël menace la France : le Premier ministre courbe l’échine
Les fichés S de l’E.D.F.
Episode 339 – Meet Paul Ehrlich, Pseudoscience Charlatan
Putin’s New Cold War Tactic
Gene therapy and the trans-human agenda
Gene therapy and the trans-human agenda
Lobby sioniste : Al Jazeera censure son documentaire
Was Sirhan Hypnotically Programmed to Assassinate RFK?
La Libye selon l'Onu et la dure réalité, par Thierry Meyssan
Derrière l'anniversaire de la République italienne, par Manlio Dinucci
June 4, 2018
“L’origine nazie du nom de l’Iran” : analyse de la réponse de BHL (2/3)
The Most Unfit Candidate For Congress Ever Exposed!
"National security" cited as reason Al Jazeera nixed Israel lobby film
NY Times’s Isabel Kershner and David Halbfinger on May 14 Gaza Bloodbath
The Plan to Destabilize Russia with Islamic State Terror
Hearing and Seeing Robert F. Kennedy
Nikki Haley before She Became UN Rep
Stormy Daniels Tweets UK UN REP KAREN PIERCE: “I’m in the adult film industry. I take pride in my work. You’re just a lowlife whore!”
In praise of the shaming courage of these women
Israel’s Nazified “silent majority”
Thomas Friedman pontificates that making Israelis “feel strategically secure but morally insecure…is the key to moving the Israeli silent majority.” Here’s the real Israeli silent majority.
Answer: He’s a coward, whore, and cretin. Question: Who is Nickolay E. Mladenov?
IDF on Murder of Razzan al-Najjar: She was killed “in accordance with standard operating procedures.” (True enough)
Were You There When They Crucified Razan al-Najjar?
Netanyahu Demands Germany Pay New Holocaust Compensation: “These ‘firebomb-bearing kites’ are worse than Auschwitz!” Chancellor Merkel Solemnly Tells Bundestag: “We Germans Have a Special Responsibility to Put Up with Netanyahu’s Bullshit!”
The Real Story behind the “Saintly” Medic
Pingpong: Richard Forer vs. Gilad Atzmon
Roseanne Coverage Suffocates Puerto Rico News
La Vérité
Mainstream fake-news: the devious limited hangout
Mainstream fake-news: the devious limited hangout
Norway gives "green light" to boycotts of Israel's settlements
“L’origine nazie du nom de l’Iran” : une nouvelle Fake News de BHL (1/2)
Jupiter en Russie ou les âmes mortes… Par Guillaume Berlat
“The Nazi origin of Iran’s name” : another Fake News from Bernard-Henri Lévy
The Empire of Terror Exposed & the International Lawsuit Against America for Creating ISIS
How to Evade Sanctions
Musée Grévin
Will Ukraine Invade Donbas During the Soccer World Cup?
Latest News May 30th-June 2nd:
«Fou de rage» contre Macron, Meyer Habib annonce un «attentat» imminent en France
L'US PaCom devient US IndoPaCom
Les USA pourraient se retirer de Syrie
7 millions d'Iraquiens privés d'eau cet été ?
ClandesTime 142 – The Last Supper - Spy Culture
Evangelicals: Putting the ‘Ass’ in ‘Compassion’
Revue de presse du 03/06/2018
En guerre – pour la préemption salariale ! Par Frédéric Lordon
«Les élections italiennes prouvent que la zone euro a basculé dans la post-démocratie», par Guillaume Bigot
“The killing of a clearly-identified medical staffer by security forces during a demonstration is particularly reprehensible.”
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