Déclaration conjointe de la République française et du Royaume d'Arabie saoudite
Antisemitsm and Jewish Guilt
Un journaliste relaie une vidéo de Panamza : les guignols s’indignent
Dernières nouvelles à propos de la possible attaque occidentale
Red Cross Praises Minister Bennett’s Eloquent Defense of Israel’s “Legitimate Security Concerns”
The Truth, Finally (I’d like to give this woman a big hug!)
Builder of apartheid wall gets EU funding
“For almost 11 years Israeli society has allowed two million Palestinians to exist on the brink of a humanitarian disaster.”
Did Wall Street Bankrupt Toys ‘R’ Us?
The Art of Trade War: U.S. vs China
Facebook censorship: the grotesque mainstream solution
Facebook censorship: the grotesque mainstream solution
Video: Israel's cold-blooded killings in the Gaza ghetto
Latest News: April 6 – April 9, 2018
Privatizing Veterans Affairs: A Risky Gamble?
Syrie : La Russie est prête à la guerre
Labour Israel lobbyist deletes anti-Semitic "conspiracy" claims
Interview 1354 – Dan Dicks on Steemit, DTube, and the Alt Media
Pourquoi la France ne doit pas s’associer aux frappes en Syrie, par Caroline Galactéros
[Vidéo] Ambassade de Russie, Espions, Guerre Froide sans filtre, par Thinkerview
April 10, 2018
Saudi crown prince's gift to Israel
Israel Labor party cuts ties to Jeremy Corbyn for supporting Palestinian rights
The alleged BBC apparently posts an alleged article allegedly alleging that allegedly alleged Israeli soldiers apparently allegedly celebrated the alleged killing of an apparently unarmed Palestinian
Attentat «djihadiste» de Magnanville: une policière en garde à vue
Dublin City Council votes for Israel boycott
La Ruée vers la guerre en Syrie, par Craig Murray
L’archipel du mécréant
America’s Collision Course with Tyranny
DHS Profiling ‘Radical Anarchists’ Clothing
A Broken Clock is Right Twice a Day
Quand la pseudo-rebelle Natacha Polony drague les « complotistes »
The US government colludes in Mass Deaths by Opioids
The US government colludes in Mass Deaths by Opioids
L'empire américain d'Occident en crise, par Manlio Dinucci
Facebook Fury: Why Yelling at Zuckerberg Isn’t Enough
La fin du Droit international ?, par Thierry Meyssan
Hey, You can’t really blame Charles Schumer: His father exterminated termites; Chuckie exterminates Arabs. He’s just following in Pop’s footsteps.
Red Cross Distributes Video of Israel’s “legitimate security concerns”
Sur « Après Daech – La guerre idéologique continue », par François-Bernard Huyghe
[Vidéo] Rony Brauman: «Les mensonges des guerres humanitaires»
April 9, 2018
Diplomatie : Le mythe de l’intelligence artificielle, par Guillaume Berlat
African refugees get no reprieve from Israel's racist rage
Trump Lawyer Michael Cohen’s Unexplored Russia Connections
Shoot and cheer
What Just Happened And Who Is Really Responsible?
Video: Israeli interrogators threaten Ahed Tamimi
What You’re Not Being Told About Trump’s New Offensive
April 3rd: Shooting At YouTube Headquarters
Cryptocurrencies Are Literally Rebuilding Entire Cities!
Happy Birthday, Paul!
Where Is Trump Moving Troops Now? Really Remembering MLK50
How To Bribe A Police Officer In Nairobi, Kenya
Je suis Münster
John Bolton’s Cyber War
Michigan Cuts Bottled Water to Flint
Earth Is on the Verge of Collapse — Is Eco-Socialism the Only Answer?
Manifestations dans la partie arabe de l'Iran
Michael Anton démissionne du Conseil national de Sécurité US
L'aviation israélienne tue des soldats iraniens en Syrie
The Red Cross recognizes Israel’s “legitimate security concerns” to keep the Gaza concentration camp sealed
Astonishing California bill would shut down free speech, require fact-checkers
Astonishing California bill would shut down free speech, require fact-checkers
” Le complotisme de l’anti-complotisme “, par Frédéric Lordon
Sept ans de guerre en Syrie : “L’Occident ne veut pas s’avouer qu’il a perdu”, par Fabrice Balanche
[Vidéo] Philippe Labro – « Une tortionnaire à la tête de la CIA »
Syria Chemical Weapons Attack: An Open Source Investigation
La question taboue de la presse française : Tariq Ramadan a-t-il été ciblé par des « traquenards sexuels »?
ICC warns Israeli leaders over Gaza killings
Noteworthy, maybe
Poor Israel. Why Won’t Those Damn Palestinians Leave It Alone Already?!
The only serious question is, Why does killing unarmed protesters in the back only “raise serious questions”? (Cowardly, hypocritical Europe)
To understand Israelis, remember the killers of Emmett Till
Déclaration du département d'État US au sujet de l'attaque aux armes chimiques à Douma
Cosette et Casse-noisette
ClandesTime Special – Conspiracy Theories: The Salisbury Poisoning - Spy Culture
Putin in Ankara: Eurasians Defeat Atlanticists in the Middle East
ClandesTime 138 – The Reflecting Pool - Spy Culture
To Facebook, You’re Not the Customer, You’re the Product
AIPAC influence on US foreign policy (video)
STOP THE PRESSES! A WASHINGTON POST article that isn’t Israeli propaganda
[Vidéo] Natacha Polony : Journalistes et médias sous contrôles ? Par Thinkerview
Why Corbyn is Certain to Win by a Landslide
Israël : Quand manifester pacifiquement est impossible, par Amnesty International
[RussEurope-en-Exil] Mondialisation, démondialisation, et les dérives d’une idéologie, par Jacques Sapir
Defusing China’s “Nuclear Option” Myth
BREAKING: Newsbud Exclusive-DHS Solicits Database Targeting “Fake News” Journalists!!
Latest News: April 1 – April 6, 2018
Calling on world conscience
Irish students, teachers vote for solidarity with Palestine
Revealed: Obama Funneled Millions of Tax Dollars to Soros to Subvert a Foreign Government
Over 3,000 Google Employees Signed a Letter Demanding Google Leave the ‘Business of War’
Dr. William Pepper on the Assassination of Martin Luther King
The Murderers among Us (and the Murdered)
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