(NaturalNews) The legal argument of gay marriage proponents is that because gay marriage is legal in a majority of states, that “right” cannot be infringed by the remaining states which opposed gay marriage. The U.S. Supreme Court, in granting this new, nationwide right to gay marriage, cited the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution, Section 1, which states:
SCOTUS same-sex marriage decision may have just legalized the concealed carry of loaded firearms across all 50 states, nullifying gun laws everywhere
L’euro, ou la haine de la démocratie, par Frédéric Lordon
Un coup d’État financier contre Athènes, par Vicky Skoumbi
Grèce : défense de la démocratie, par Jacques Sapir
Video: Activists heckle Israeli ambassador at Berlin gay pride march
Dark Money, Oily Games & The Other Iran: June 29, 2015
Unwarranted Influence – Military Industrial Complex
WikiLeaks révèle un complot secret entre l’Arabie-Saoudite, la Turquie et le Qatar contre la Syrie
Pascal, André et Personne
Badly Sourced War Propagators: Is The MainStream Media Simply Another Mouthpiece?
On ne valse pas avec l’islam
Prominent anthropologists join academic boycott of Israel
Khader Adnan ends hunger strike after Israel agrees to free him
Grèce : survivre sous l'euro
TTIP et TiSA / Supplément Éducation aux médias
Keeping Dark Money in the Shadows
Les journalistes et la guerre, par Thierry Meyssan
Abe Foxman Lists Top 10 Porn Flicks of Century (Not for Children)
My Dear Friend Carolyn and Her Son Daniel, at His Graduation Party
I am in Japan for 10 days (lectures and concerts)
Israel Denounces Swiss Failure in 1938 to Admit Asylum-Seeking Jews: “Were It Not for Israel, Who Would Remember the Lessons of the Holocaust?!”
Israel seizes Gaza-bound boat in "act of piracy"
What’s Happening in Greece: From an Old Friend, Who Is One of the World’s Top Computer Scientists and Greek
Jacques de Maio tweets, ”I’m featured in a VANITY FAIR photo spread: Top Male Prostitutes Over 60″
Vandal State Prepares for Next Rampage
In awe and praise of courage and dignity
Letter from a Young Man
Paid Not to Drill? Not So Fast
Les dernières informations sur la crise Grecque
Two Mississippi Cops Killed Shows Police Deaths Rare
Contact lost with Freedom Flotilla flagship en route for Gaza
Australian Government May Soon Use Armed Drones from the U.S.
Lutte des classes et cinéma
Posing Questions of Photographic Ethics
Grèce : les banques seront fermées pendant une semaine
[Décryptage] La propagande européiste de Jean Quatremer en temps de crise
Gilad Atzmon @ Bal Des Quenelles
Evo Morales va recevoir un titre honorifique d’une Université Française
Israel asking US for 50% increase in next defense package
US military pays Syrian rebels up to $400 per month: Pentagon
Supreme Court Says You Can Legally Tell Cops To Go F Themselves
CNN Mistakes Sex Toy Flag for ISIS Flag at Gay Pride Parade
Bedos « fêtant le départ » de Caron : un sketch putassier
Electric Yerevan and Lessons on the Color-Spring Tactic
NFL Films: Saving the world from stupid reality since 1962
La Troïka tente d'asphyxier la Grèce quoi qu'il en coûte , par Ariel Noyola Rodríguez
Soothing the Beast: Saturday Night BFP-Jamiol Music, Episode #178
Los Angeles Neighborhood Parking Meters Get Banksy Style Makeover
La résolution du Pétropavlosk
Dossier Of Israeli War Crimes Presented To ICC
[Référendum Kaput ?] Tyrannie européenne ?
Miscellanées du dimanche (Delamarche, Sapir, Béchade, Gave)
Revue de presse internationale du 28/06/2014
Gaza in over 1000 frames (video)
How Beautiful the World Would Be, If Only Tony Blair, Saudi Arabia and France Fell Off the Planet
Ulcan menace Panamza : on en parle?
Why does the US have 800 military bases around the world?
With Message of Freedom and Resistance, Flotilla to Sail Against Gaza Siege
The Racist Origins Of Government Marriage In America
Google wants to bring free wifi to the world…. and it’s starting NOW
City Aims To Make Parking In Driveway Backwards Illegal
Les secrets inavouables de nos portables (2014) – Magazine d’information.
La non-invasion russe provoque l’inquiétude dans les capitales européennes
L'Arabie saoudite soutient le terrorisme en Syrie depuis 2012, par Elie Hanna
L'allocution d'Alexis Tsipras annonçant le référendum sur les exigences des institutions , par Aléxis Tsípras
Antoine Volodine et ses doubles – Rencontre(s) en terre post-exotique
Antoine Volodine et ses doubles – Rencontre(s) en terre post-exotique
Alex Andreou on GREECE
The Spirit of Dolores Ibarruri Lives in Greece
25 Juin 2015 : Jour de colère des taxis ?
Ex-CIA Official: End of Cold War Sparked Spy’s Paradise
JVP, BDS and Jewish Liberal Terror
The Top 6 Reasons Why Parents Are Choosing Not To Vaccinate Their Kids
No one is having a worse day than the pastor who promised to light himself on fire if same-sex marriage is legalized.
Almost $200 Million Donated to Representatives to Pass TPP
Kronstadt : la démocratie ou la mort
Push-Button War, Corporate Rule & A Really Big Bomb: June 26, 2015
[URGENT] Tsipras convoque un référendum le 5 juillet pour rejeter les demandes des créanciers !
L’histoire secrète d’une victoire des lobbies à Bruxelles, contre la santé publique
Revue de presse du 27/06/2015
$200 Million Went to House Members to Pass Fast Track for TPP – Here’s Who Took the Cash
Monsanto’s airborne pesticide drones coming soon: FAA approves unmanned poison-spraying helicopters.
Attentat à St Quentin Fallavier (38) : un homme retrouvé décapité.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott picks homeschooler to chair State Board of Education
Belle et étrange patrie
Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage Nationwide
COURAGEOUS TRUTH-TELLER: In praise of Gideon Levy
While Amnesty Speaks of a Hamas Torture Chamber in Shifa, Here’s What a Volunteer Surgeon Saw
RadioWhoWhatWhy: Push-Button Warfare
Surprising Facts About Who Threatens Our Safety the Most—Recommended Reading
Explaining Chomsky to Chomsky fans
Marijuana Dispensary Suing Mayor After Cops Raid Shop and Eat Edibles
Du mir au soviet
UberPOP : pourquoi taxis, VTC et internautes doivent s’unir contre Uber
cently Retired Cop Blows the Whistle on Police Corruption in Epic Twitter Rant
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