364 éléments, page 3 (de 4)

Democrats Can’t Afford Unforced Errors in Impeachment Process

Reading Time: 3minutes

An increasingly unhinged President Donald Trump started the week by suggesting that Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) is guilty of treason and should be arrested. While that is, of course, completely nuts, what Schiff did was so dumb that you would have thought he headed the House Stupidity Committee, and not the Intelligence panel.

A Tragedy (for Democracy) in Three Acts

Reading Time: 3minutes

As the Ukraine scandal unfolds, President Donald Trump and former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani are frequently compared to a Mafia boss and his lawyer. We should be so lucky, because that would certainly mean the end of the mob.

It’s difficult to put into words how inept Giuliani is. But we’ll try… by making him a character in one of the most iconic mob movies in history: The Godfather.

Liar, Liar, British Politics on Fire

Reading Time: 3minutes

Omar Salem was frantic with worry. What should have been the happiest time of his life had become his worst nightmare. The birth of his daughter seven days earlier had turned into a medical emergency and she was hospitalized. Worse, the ward where she was battling for life was seriously understaffed, her father believed.

The Paul Revere of Our Times

Reading Time: 3minutesWhoWhatWhy Climate Change Coverage

Everybody knows Aesop’s fable of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” the story of a young shepherd who repeatedly pretends his flock is being attacked by wolves to play a prank on his neighbors. Then, when a wolf actually does show up, nobody believes him and his sheep are eaten.

Dear US Government: Please Do Nothing on Climate Change

Reading Time: 1minute

Many people are accusing the US government of doing nothing on climate change. That could not be more wrong. Every day, this administration is taking new steps to muffle scientists, shirk responsibility, deny evidence, shut down research, and undermine international efforts to fight this problem. 

So it’s simply incorrect to accuse the US of doing nothing. In reality, it is much worse. 

Only Climate Action Now Can Stop a Global Drought

Reading Time: 5minutesWhoWhatWhy Climate Change Coverage

Chennai, India’s sixth-largest city, is running out of water. The parched Chembarambakkam reservoir, plus three others supplying the city, are all nearly empty. Currently, water is being trucked into the city’s neighborhoods; and standing in line is becoming part of each resident’s daily routine.

The GOP’s ‘Socialism’ Scam Is About to Backfire

Reading Time: 3minutes

When little kids don’t want to eat something, they often throw a temper tantrum and loudly proclaim that the food on their plate is “yucky.” In politics, when the rich don’t like something, they have their puppets throw a tantrum and loudly proclaim that the policy they object to is “socialism.”

The Sins of the Father, Mother, and President

Reading Time: 1minute In order to punish the children of undocumented immigrants, President Donald Trump wants to end birthright citizenship, which makes anyone born on US soil an American. But once we start holding people accountable for the sins of their fathers and mothers, where does it stop?

The post The Sins of the Father, Mother, and President appeared first on WhoWhatWhy.

Trump’s Kind of Labor Day

Reading Time: 5minutes

Labor Day is a national holiday, but probably not one that generates much celebration in the Trump White House, which is moving to add regulatory insult to the existing injury of policies that depress the wages of low-income workers.

Could Warren Turn a Supposed Weakness Into a Strength?

Reading Time: 4minutes

With Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) moving up in the polls for the Democratic presidential nomination, the talking heads of the corporate media are trying to identify her greatest vulnerability. That suspected Achilles heel is quickly found: How will Warren respond when President Donald Trump hurls an ethnic slur at her that belongs on a grade school playground and not a presidential campaign?

That Awkward Three-Way-Race Feeling

Reading Time: 1minute A poll this week showed the Democratic presidential campaign evolving into a three-way race between Joe Biden and progressive Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT). What are they thinking?

The post That Awkward Three-Way-Race Feeling appeared first on WhoWhatWhy.

Epstein Death: Deep Digging Not Welcome in Corporate Media

Reading Time: 4minutes

When news broke of Jeffrey Epstein’s death in prison, some corporate media were quick to assure the public — as they so often do — that whatever that was about, it should not be viewed as involving any sort of conspiratorial behavior.

They did question why Epstein was taken off suicide watch, especially since he allegedly attempted to kill himself in July, but few considered foul play.

Watch Your Back, Mr. Trump: It’s Miller Time!

Reading Time: 4minutes

Dear Mr. President,

You claim to be the smartest person in the room, perhaps in the entire country. Yet you’ve let your aide Stephen Miller essentially become your brain.

The attention to Miller is bad for your brand.

A Move Toward the Next Financial Crisis

Reading Time: 3minutes

Financial crises tend to strike with all the subtlety of a Kansas tornado — out of the blue and with utter indifference to the mayhem they wreak. But the crisis itself — the moment when asset prices plunge, lending collapses, and the economy starts to contract — is not the moment when things go wrong; that’s just the moment when you notice. Things go awry long before, when few are looking.

Abrams Takes the Fight to Election Manipulators

Reading Time: 3minutes

When Stacey Abrams “lost” Georgia’s 2018 gubernatorial election, a lot of Republicans were probably breathing sighs of relief. While the result was close, their strategy of rigging the state’s election laws to keep minorities from voting had paid off once again.

Exposing the Hypocrisy of Fox News

Reading Time: 3minutes

Earlier this month, we wrote an editorial that apparently didn’t sit so well with the higher-ups at Fox News, so they got in touch with us over it. Here is an account of what happened.

The editorial, which ran on August 4, began like this:

The Dangerous Disingenuity of America’s Wannabe Gunslingers

Reading Time: 1minute

Those who defend the rights of regular Americans to own weapons of war often say that this is necessary to defend the US against tyranny or a foreign enemy. They conveniently leave out the fact that they would still be hopelessly outgunned if such an authoritarian regime ever were in charge.

El Paso: Trump Didn’t Pull the Trigger, But…

Reading Time: 3minutes

Mass shootings happen all over the world. But their frequency in the US is a uniquely American problem. And their frequency in this particular period in our history is no accident.

We have a president who demonizes groups of people, even cities. He uses words as weapons, warning of an “invasion” of immigrants — a surge at the border that his hostile policies created.

Like a Fox — How a TV Channel Is Tearing America Apart

Reading Time: 5minutes

A little over 20 years ago, Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes concocted a profitable way to tap into the white supremacist ideology still bubbling below America’s surface. 

Trump and Saudi Arabia: A Bloody Alliance

Reading Time: 1minute

Trying to pander to African Americans, President Donald Trump recently criticized Sweden for not releasing rapper A$AP Rocky, who has been charged with assault. It’s curious that he never called out Saudi Arabia for torturing and killing Washington Post columnist Jamal Kashoggi.

Trump also vetoed legislation preventing certain weapons to be sold to the Saudis. All of this is further proof that Trump is much more comfortable with repressive regimes than the rule of law.

Is Britain’s New Prime Minister Trump’s Mini-Me?

Reading Time: 4minutes

The UK is going through a “political nervous breakdown” over Brexit, the tortuous process of Britain leaving the European Union, declared Britain’s former chief of foreign intelligence Sir John Sawers this month. This week, Boris Johnson became the new prime minister and in a parallel realm Nurse Ratched sent for the strait-jacket.

Mueller Spectacle: Dazed, Not Dazzled

Reading Time: 1minute Guess who paid for the Mueller hearing, including all the showmanship on both sides and the more than 100 non-answers, only to be left with a still partially redacted report and lots of questions!

The post Mueller Spectacle: Dazed, Not Dazzled appeared first on WhoWhatWhy.

The Worst Case Scenario in 2020 May Just Be a Narrow Trump Loss

Reading Time: 3minutes

There is angst among many Americans right now that President Donald Trump might win a second term. But maybe they should be more worried about what would happen if he loses by a narrow margin.

A Soft Landing for the Conflict Between the Millennials, Generation X, and Baby Boomers

For Undocumented Migrant Children There is No ‘Right to Life’

Reading Time: 6minutes

When she was five months pregnant, Marshae Jones, a black woman living in Alabama, got in a fight with another woman. Jones was shot in the stomach. Her fetus died.

The shooter was not charged; she was acting in self-defense, a grand jury believed. But Jones was indicted for starting a fight while pregnant. The charge? Manslaughter.

No More Binge Watching This White House Reality Show

Reading Time: 4minutes

This country has an addiction problem. No, we’re not referring to the dependence of millions of Americans on opioids.

The “addict” in this case is the president of the United States. He is addicted to public attention. (We  will not refer to the president by name here, hoping to set a virtuous example.)

The “enablers” are journalists and the rest of us, who reward his inappropriate behavior with ever more headlines, just feeding and enlarging his insatiable cravings.

The Bloody Truth Behind Trump’s Military Parade

Reading Time: 1minute

President Donald Trump’s grandiose vision for the 2019 Fourth of July celebration in Washington, DC, included tanks and other armored vehicles, as well as a flyover by military jets, in what the president ordered would be a “Salute to America.”

Before the event, there were concerns raised by the DC Council that the massive 60-ton M1  Abrams battle tanks would shred the lawns, recently relaid at the cost of $40 million, on the National Mall.

Tunis ou les sévices de l’opinion

A Tunis, on dit que le pays ne dit jamais ce qu'il vit mais vit de ce qui se dit. On opine, on copine puis on expose son  opinion dans une vitrine jusqu'à ce que tous les malentendants l'entérinent.

Le raconté y a plus de d'impact que le vécu. En vertu du principe selon lequel un drame n'a de sens que pour celui qui a le sens du drame. Il y a toujours eu deux clans qui s'affrontent: ceux qui dramatisent, les gouvernés et ceux qui dédramatisent, les gouvernants.

Ooops, They’re Doing It Again — Media on Track to Screw Up 2020

Reading Time: 5minutes

It seems as though the media has not learned a single lesson from 2016, because it is on track to screw up another presidential election.

Back then, corporate news outlets, driven by a desire to maximize revenue, basically picked both candidates in the primary, and then allowed themselves to become pawns in the scheme of a foreign power to get Donald Trump elected.

Trump, McConnell, Roberts — Who Will Be Russia’s Favorite Pawn?

Reading Time: 3minutes

If there were such a thing as “Russia’s Employee of the Month,” then it would be a neck-and-neck race between President Donald Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) for the trophy these days.

Mueller Is No Match for Trump’s Shamelessness and Indecency

Reading Time: 4minutes

When President Donald Trump made up some testimony that never happened and a letter that did not exist to attack Robert Mueller on Thursday, he could be certain of one thing: The former special counsel was not going to retaliate. And that’s part of the problem when people with even a shred of integrity have to deal with this president.

Immigrants in Healthcare: Essential but Exploited by Populists

Reading Time: 3minutes

I covered healthcare in Washington, DC, for a few years at the start of my journalism career. Back then, it was all about abstract policy for me, because, fortunately, I had not had any real experiences with the US healthcare system.

More recently — earlier this year to be precise — I got a much more intimate look at healthcare in action. Following open heart surgery and various complications, I was forced to spend nearly two months in a hospital — a large portion of that in the ICU.

Delusion or Deception: Team Trump’s Russia Lie

Jared Kushner’s suggestion that Russian interference was limited to “buying some Facebook ads” is akin to claiming that all the US did in Vietnam was send some military equipment.

Even if it weren’t a blatant, easily disprovable lie, it would still not change the fact that a foreign power, using illegal means, sought to interfere in a US election on behalf of the candidate it felt would be more pliant to its strategic goals.

The Adventures of Baron Trumphausen

It is simply impossible to read the Mueller report and not come away with the certainty that this administration is the most (morally) corrupt and dysfunctional in US history, and that it is headed by a president who was only saved from prosecution because the people working for him routinely had the good sense to disregard his orders.

Why the High Hopes for Trump’s Tax Returns Are Misplaced

With House Democrats making a push to get their hands on Donald Trump’s tax returns, there is an expectation among those wanting to see the president get toppled that these documents might constitute the smoking gun that will bring him down.

But instead of a silver bullet, it’s more likely that the tax returns will be a relative dud, and here is why: There is simply no way that they are complete and accurate.

We’ve Been Distracted During Mueller Time

The Mueller report on the investigation into Russian influence in the 2016 presidential election is completed, and while US Attorney General William Barr summarizes that it clears President Donald Trump of collusion, confusion remains around the issue of obstruction of justice.

At this stage, I can finally say something I haven’t felt comfortable saying since November 2016: I think we’ve largely been asking the wrong questions.

US Healthcare Disgrace: GoFundMe-Care Symptomatic of Extreme Inequality

Anybody who has spent time on social media has come across the heartwarming tales of people — many of them strangers — pitching in to help somebody in need. Often these stories involve medical problems, and the donations may make the difference between life and death.

There is no doubt that these anecdotes represent the best of humanity — but they also illustrate the widening rift between the haves and have-nots, as well as the abject failure of the US to fix an atrocious healthcare system.

The Neocon Playbook Is a Recipe for Disaster in Venezuela

When Donald Trump promised that he would only hire the “best people,” maybe he should have been pressed on what, exactly, they would be good at. Because it’s clearly not running the US government. Over the past two years, it has become clear that liars, grifters, conmen, opportunists, and crooks seem to be drawn to the president like flies to … well, you know.

Now, however, a situation is arising for which one of Trump’s “best people” seems ideally suited for forcing regime change somewhere in the Americas.

Did Jill Stein Help Elect Donald Trump?

In the final week of 2018, Michael Bloomberg the former mayor of New York, a Republican turned Democrat, and a possible future presidential candidate went on television to issue a remarkable challenge to fellow politicians: He would insist that every candidate in 2020 lay out a comprehensive plan to combat climate change.

Is the Era of Unrestrained Capitalism Coming to an End?

It is truly ironic that the world’s “elite” who gathered in Davos this week claim to be puzzled that people across the globe — frustrated by stagnating standards of living — are falling prey to nationalists and populists. To find the answer to this riddle, many of them could have saved the trip to Switzerland on their private jets and taken a long, hard look in the mirror instead — because they are the problem.

Can Civil Disobedience Turn the Tide Against Global Warming?

This Saturday, January 26, will be the first national day of action for Extinction Rebellion in America. This grassroots social movement, which began last fall in the UK, believes that climate breakdown poses an imminent and existential threat to what Noam Chomsky calls “organized human life” on Earth.

Saying Goodbye to the ‘Other Russell Baker’

I’ve been getting text messages and emails on the passing of the more famous version of myself: the columnist Russell Baker.

Russell Baker had a knack for getting at the essence of human nature — a keen eye and winning voice, a sense of humor and irony we could certainly use in today’s messed-up world. He will be missed by many, and certainly by me.

What If the US, Like Germany, Bans Hate Speech in the Future?

Which do you agree with: America has too much online hate speech? Or, America has too much online free speech? Both complaints can apply to the same words.

The difference depends on no more than whether you are the speaker or the listener. What comes from my mouth is free speech that deserves legal protection. You protest that what enters your ears is hate speech that must be prohibited.

Hate speech is a byproduct of free speech. Lose one and you lose the other.

A Rule Fit for a King

President Donald Trump, who hates being constrained by pesky things like laws, the separation of powers, or the Constitution, seems poised to invoke a national emergency to get his taxpayer-funded wall built along the southern border.  

To save face after triggering a government shutdown over this issue, it is believed that Trump would use this move to seize land along the border and reallocate funds designated for real emergencies to deal with this made-up crisis.

Trump and GOP Lawmakers: Going Along to Get Along

Speaking truth to power is important — but it matters little if the words aren’t backed up by action. And there may not be a more apparent truth than the moral bankruptcy of the country’s most powerful person, President Donald Trump.

Our Favorite Cartoon Op-Eds of 2018

The outstanding work of our Images Department, which is headed by an artist who goes by the nom de guerre “DonkeyHotey,” is the main reason WhoWhatWhy has such a unique look.

We are proud of our daily panoramas and other images, which add an engaging visual dimension to our stories. In order to provide another outlet for the unbound creativity of that department and its editor, we run a weekly cartoon and supplement it with sharp-tongued yet light-footed text.

« Avoir une opinion n’est pas une fatalité ! »

Un peu d’humour aujourd’hui….

Source : Agar, 19-11-2018

Vendu à plus de 13 millions d’exemplaires dans 38 pays, La Méthode simple pour arrêter d’avoir une opinion, d’Alain Care, plus qu’un succès de librairie, est un véritable phénomène de société.

LeBron v. Trump: A Tale of Two Schools

When LeBron James criticized President Donald Trump in February, Fox News host and frequent Trump apologist Laura Ingraham told the basketball star to “shut up and dribble.”

Fortunately for hundreds of kids in James’s hometown of Akron, OH, he did not follow her advice. Earlier this week, James opened the I Promise School, a public elementary school that he co-founded. Through his foundation, and based on his personal struggles at that age, he wanted to create a unique learning environment for kids at risk of falling behind.

Not Who We Are? Racism Is as American as Apple Pie

When the effects of the Trump administration’s family separation policy became big news, a lot of people commented that “this is not who we are” or that “America is better than that.” Sadly, they are mistaken, because ripping (brown) children away from their parents is exactly in line with the US’s long history of deep-seated racism.

Enquête sur l’homme au couteau

Soit, je viens d'être désignée à la tête de cette C.A.T., de cette cellule anti-terroristes pour vous apprendre à dépister, à chercher et à trouver de nouvelles pistes.

J'appelle un chat, un chat... je suis réaliste mais ça ne m'empêche pas de faire œuvre d'analyste et de me demander si derrière le chat, il y a ou il n'y a pas un rat.

Celui-là, il ne faut surtout pas le rater, si vous ne voulez pas passer à côté.

Musings of a Mass Shooting Survivor

A version of this article was previously published December 2017.

We had been watching a puppet skit about an angry kid who shoots his entire family at dinner. It was hilarious, and we were still laughing when the dean stepped onto the stage and announced that a gunman was on campus and that at least one person was dead.

Why the March for Our Lives Might Be a March for the Ages

We all know the story. On Valentine’s Day, an expelled 19-year-old returned to his old school, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL, and, armed with an AR-15 assault rifle, killed three teachers and 14 students.

Many Stoneman students found politicians’ offers of “thoughts and prayers” wholly inadequate, and vowed to lobby and organize to get meaningful gun control laws passed at both the state and federal levels.

Another Modest Proposal: Let’s Help Trump by Surrounding Him With Gunslingers

In response to the Florida school massacre, the White House had President Donald Trump participate in an unusual, media-filmed “listening” session with mourning parents and students.

Trump listened — how could he not? He is being pressured to do something about gun violence in America. This most recent slaughter, and the remarkable public response to it, led by young people, is creating a potentially inexorable emotional wave.

So he proposed a solution.

More guns.

Legalized Pot: What States Hoping for Extra Revenue Get Wrong

Editor’s note: Pot is back in the news following Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s announcement that federal prosecutors will once again pursue marijuana cases in states where the drug has been legalized. That doesn’t sit well with the affected states, which hope to amass additional tax revenue from the pot businesses now legal under state laws.

That leads one WhoWhatWhy contributor to ask: “Are they all high?”

Banned Seven Words: Censorship or Good Strategy?

The uproar over the ban of a list of words that has roiled the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and now the rest of the country, is understandable. The list, which a Health and Human Services official advised be omitted from the CDC’s budget documents, would make any scientist weep.

The GOP Killing of the Golden Goose 3.0

“You’re kidding yourself if you think cutting taxes is really cutting taxes. We’re simply deferring massive taxes unfairly and immorally putting huge debt burdens on future generations and that is just wrong.”

David Stockman

How does that old saying go?

“Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice, shame on me.”

Reality Check: Don’t Buy into the Myth of ‘Tax Reform’

President Donald Trump has called on Congress to quickly pass sweeping “tax reform” legislation this year. While his entire plan remains something of a mystery, one element stands out: Trump has insisted on reducing the corporate tax rate to 15%.

Any debate on tax policy is fraught with confusing terms, doublespeak and a whole lot of obfuscation.

As the GOP’s efforts to fundamentally alter the tax code are about to kick into high gear, WhoWhatWhy has prepared this primer to cut through the rhetoric and pull back the curtain on this “reform.”

Les chiens de garde


La philosophie nous enseigne la servitude. Elle la justifie et la légitime au profit des bourgeois qui, depuis la Révolution Française, se sont agrégés sans difficulté à nos dirigeants. C’est là principalement le contenu du livre polémique rédigé en 1932 par Paul Nizan : Les chiens de garde.

L’anarchie est morte, vive la démocratie !

L’anarchie, aujourd’hui, c’est un folklore. Se réclamer d’un monde sans ordre revient presque à promouvoir un chaos digne des pires barbaries de notre Histoire. Pour tout dire, tous ceux qui, depuis quelques décennies, se revendiquent comme anarchistes, s’accaparent outrancièrement une fierté et un prestige plus proches de la mystification que de la vertu. Ils sont les idiots utiles à toute réelle entreprise révolutionnaire.

Faut-il réviser l’Histoire pour appréhender la vérité ?

Psychologie des foules

La foule est conduite presque exclusivement par l’inconscient. Ses actes sont beaucoup plus sous l’influence de la moelle épinière que sous celle du cerveau. Les actes exécutés peuvent être parfaits quant à leur exécution, mais, le cerveau ne les dirigeant pas, l’individu agit suivant les hasards des excitations.


N’ayons pas peur de le dire : nous sélectionnons lors d’élections une poignée d’oligarques qui nous volent le pouvoir. Sous le masque de la démocratie notre République prospère d’oligarchie en oligarchie (oligoi : petit nombre, arkhê : gouvernement), où « les hommes au pouvoir écrivent les règles de leur propre pouvoir. »

#GazaUnderAttack | Hamas: A convenient red herring for Jewish Nazism ~ By Khalid Amayreh

Von Trier et Hitler : l'opprobre est sur la Licra, pas sur moi | Rue89

La dénonciation du racisme et de l'antisémitisme est pervertie Pas n'importe laquelle. Celle qui doit échapper à la judiciarisation de la pensée quand les qualifications pénales ne peuvent pas incontestablement la régir.

Old Holborn: Waiting for that riot.

I mean, it's not as if Labour haven't tried. They have poked and prodded and needled and Tazered the sleeping beast of Britain and all they managed to achieve is to make it shift a little in its slumbers. The British still refuse to riot. So now our government has resorted to ordering us to do it. 'There will be riots this summer', they say. 'Your invitations are in the post and we expect you all to be there'. Weather permitting, naturally.

Exposed: the great GM crops myth - Green Living, Environment - The Independent

Entendez-vous parler ici ou là, d'une crise de l'alimentation ?

Va-t-on, à nouveau, être exposé à ce colonialisme misérabiliste qui consistera en l'envoie de tonne de riz à Haiti et en afrique ? Qu'on en finisse avec leur agriculture déjà quasiment éradiquée...

Commençons par en finir une fois pour toute avec les OGM.

Exposed: the great GM crops myth - Green Living, Environment - The Independent

By Geoffrey Lean, Environment Editor
Sunday, 20 April 2008

Genetic modification actually cuts the productivity of crops, an authoritative new study shows, undermining repeated claims that a switch to the controversial technology is needed to solve the growing world food crisis.

The study – carried out over the past three years at the University of Kansas in the US grain belt – has found that GM soya produces about 10 per cent less food than its conventional equivalent, contradicting assertions by advocates of the technology that it increases yields.





"I completely replaced cabinet and staff. You may recognize some of my appointees:
George H.W. Bush - Director, CIA
Richard Cheney - Chief of Staff
Donald Rumsfeld - Secretary of Defense
Alan Greenspan - Chairman, Council of Economic Advisors"


PeoplePC - News

PeoplePC - News

SAN JOSE, Calif. - Attorney General Michael Mukasey warned Friday that the huge profits generated from piracy and counterfeiting are fostering terrorism.

Terror groups are taking their cues from organized crime and funding their operations with money they make committing intellectual property crimes, he told a gathering of Silicon Valley executives.

"Criminal syndicates, and in some cases even terrorist groups, view IP crime as a lucrative business and see it as a low-risk way to fund other activities," Mukasey said. "A primary goal of our IP enforcement mission is to show these criminals that they're wrong."

Mukasey, who did not elaborate and did not take questions, said his department is devoting increasing resources to prosecuting such crimes and filed 7 percent more IP cases in 2007 than in 2006 and 33 percent more than in 2005.

Before Friday's speech, Mukasey met privately with representatives from companies including Apple Inc. and Adobe Systems Inc.

Technologies de l'information
Informatique libre

AlterInfo in trouble: another struggle for the freedom of speech on the Internet (+traduction français)

Le monde selon Monsanto - ARTE

Le monde selon Monsanto - ARTE

Très bon film. Il n'y a rien d'inutile, on voit que l'auteur a pris un soin poarticulier pour nous exposer les faits. J'apprécie beaucoup la discrétion avec laquelle elle réussi à nous montrer son indignation face à ces personnages infréquantables et pire. Chapeau !

Comment une telle firme a-t-elle pu subsister aussi longtemps ?




Posted Mar 16, 2008 02:16 PM PST

Step 1: Use taxpayer money and additional ticket fees to add tons of security to make airport travel a painful experience.

Step 2: Sell travelers a card to let them go back to boarding planes hassle free like they used to before all the added security.

Net effect? People still get on the planes like they used to, but are now suckered into paying for security systems and paying more to ignore them.

Such a deal

( commentaire de Michael Rivero de whatreallyhappenned.com :) )


911 Proof

911 Proof
Très bonne collection de témoignages, vidéos, audios qui tendent à prouver que l'éffondrement des tours est dû à des explosifs. Très instructif. Beaucoup de témoignages prennants... :-(

Technologies de l'information

Banks Urging U.S. to Adopt the Trading of Emissions - New York Times

Banks Urging U.S. to Adopt the Trading of Emissions - New York Times

La messe est dite. La mode du "global warming" n'a rien à voir avec l'écologie, c'est un business. Les écologistes d'aujourd'hui, ceux qui ne sont pas tombés dans le panneau, ont tout à refaire... C'est la pollution qu'il faut combattre, pas le climat... Mon opinion.

PARIS, Sept. 25 — A group representing some of the world’s leading banks will urge the United States and other industrial nations this week to move quickly to introduce a lightly regulated system for trading carbon emissions permits.

Permit-trading systems offer banks a potentially vast new business.



Washington Report correspondent Mohammed Omer speaks with Hesham Tillawi




Carlos Latuff est un grand illustrateur. On trouve quelques-uns de ses dessins sur ce blog. Pupliés avec la mention "Copyleft".

Il a fait une video pour expliquer son engagement pour le peuple Palestinien

source: http://desertpeace.wordpress.com/2008/03/06/message-to-the-people-of-palestine-from-carlos-latuff/

graphisme libre

Costa Rica recognizes ‘Palestine’ | Jerusalem Post

Oui, la Palestine est un pays !

Costa Rica recognizes 'Palestine' | Jerusalem Post

"We would like to express our disappointment over this regretful decision of the government of Costa Rica to establish full diplomatic relations with the 'state of Palestine,' " Mekel said. "This act of Costa Rica totally contradicts the traditional friendship that characterized its relations with Israel since its establishment."

Costa Rica



My sleep was largely interrupted , last night so was my my daughter’s. The shooting was so heavy against different areas of the city , as well as different parts of the Gaza strip , the jet fighters sound was too loud as well as the helicopters sound.

This morning 28th of February it is disproportional open war , civilians pay the price , 15 people were killed , as an outcome of last night attack , including 3 months old baby 1000 children were killed in the last 5 years alone




Sarkozy... Pouah!

Last week, Mr. Sarkozy was quoted as saying that he wouldn’t shake hands with anyone that didn’t recognize Israel as a Jewish state. The gravity of his statement is very real, since accepting Israel as an exclusively Jewish state amounts to condoning and embracing racism in its most fundamentalist forms. It is very much like insisting that France should belong exclusively to the Catholics and that the non-Catholic citizens of France would have to come to terms with their inferior status as lesser citizens who eventually would have to choose between embracing Catholicism or expulsion.


Smoking Mirrors

Smoking Mirrors

Une pierre peinte par Manu Vilard, mon pote

People are that stupid that if you say something over and over they figure it has to be true because why else could you say it over and over on mass media?

Cet article est vraiment interressant comme panorama de la situation actuelle. Au sujet des élections aux USA en 2008.

J'ai une petite remarque sur la stupidité

Ils ne sont pas stupides. C'est qu'ils pensent tout savoir. Ils ne pensent pas, comme certaines personnes très bizarres, qu'ils pourraient apprendre quelque chose comme : "la TV, le cinema de masse, les masses médias et les systèmes éducatifs mentent et manipulent, vous vendent et vous empoisonnent. Vous dirigent, et n'ont pas plus de considérations pour nous que nous n'en avons pour notre planète. Nous enlèvent la possibilité de vivre une vie simple basée sur la coopération, l'entente et l'amour. Bref, ils nous détruisent le peu de temps que nous avons dans cette petite vie. Ce système est fait pour aliéner".


9-11 SOLVED - “Le 11 septembre” résolu

americanfreepress.net : 9-11 SOLVED

Former Italian President Francesco Cossiga, who revealed the existence of Operation Gladio, has told Italy’s oldest and most widely read newspaper that the 9-11 terrorist attacks were run by the CIA and Mossad, and that this was common knowledge among global intelligence agencies. In what translates awkwardly into English, Cossiga told the newspaper Corriere della Sera:

“All the [intelligence services] of America and Europe…know well that the disastrous attack has been planned and realized from the Mossad, with the aid of the Zionist world in order to put under accusation the Arabic countries and in order to induce the western powers to take part … in Iraq [and] Afghanistan.”

Cossiga was elected president of the Italian Senate in July 1983 before winning a landslide election to become president of the country in 1985, and he remained until 1992.

al qaida

Peter Power Flees From Confrontation On 7/7 Terror Drill

Quelque part en 2005, un homme déclarait qu'au moment précis, sur les lieux précis où avaient lieu les attentats de Londre, présumément conduits par Al Qaida, son entreprise était en train de simuler des attentats à la bombe... Des zigotos sont allés essayer de lui demander qui avait engagé son entreprise... Petite video en flash...

Peter Power Flees From Confrontation On 7/7 Terror Drill

Power is then asked about the mock terror drills he was running on 7/7 that coincided with the bombings and which company he was running the simulation for.

al qaida

Un journaliste français en a trop vu et a voulu nous le transmettre…

Conclusion, c'est un criminel très dangeureux qu'il faut faire taire à perpétuité... C'est très juste, balancé et démocratique. «vive la liberté !... sous les drapeaux...

La nouvelle est en anglais, évidement on doit pouvoir trouver des articles en français mais ce soir j'ai trop la flemme.

French journalist investigated over intelligence leaks - CPJ News Alert 2007

al qaida

Des biolinuxes contre la biopiraterie - Uni-e-s pour un autre monde

Enfin ce lien que je souhaite tant depuis très longtemps entre agriculture et technos libres ?

Des biolinuxes contre la biopiraterie - Uni-e-s pour un autre monde

A l’image d’une communauté de logiciels libres où chacun peut modifier les codes sources en vue de les adapter à ses besoins propres ou de les améliorer pour le bénéfice de tous.

Technologies de l'information
Informatique libre

Zeitgeist - The Movie, 2007

Zeitgeist - The Movie, 2007

À voir. Et ne pas oublier de bien consulter le site, tout est bien expliqué et documenté, très bon travail. Pour ceux qui n'ont pas de flash, il y aun lien avec un joli torrent super rapide. Merci à mon frangin pour la plug.

Technologies de l'information
al qaida

BELLACIAO - WAR ON HAWAII ! US NAVY DECLARES WAR ON ITS OWN - Bob Nichols, Project Censored Aweard Winner

BELLACIAO - WAR ON HAWAII ! US NAVY DECLARES WAR ON ITS OWN - Bob Nichols, Project Censored Aweard Winner

I just found out that the Navy is planning on expanding its war games and numerous new weapon "toys" in an area of 235,000 square nautical miles around Hawaii! Incredibly, the Navy is proposing a major upgrading and expansion - in order to do more research, development, testing, and evaluation of military weapons and systems, to the tune of 140 (that is One Hundred Forty) projects, including even the use of Directed Energy Laser Weapons.

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