A top Clinton insider has revealed that the former president visited the Caribbean home of notorious sex predator Jeffrey Epstein. In a long interview last week with Vanity Fair, longtime aide to Bill Clinton, Doug Band, noted that, contrary to the official line, his boss did indeed spend time on Little Saint James, the private island that the billionaire pedophile used as a base to traffick and rape women and children.
Corporate Media Silence Deafening as Former Bill Clinton Aide Confirms Ties to Jeffrey Epstein
WHAT??? US And UFOs Have Secret Deal, Trump On Verge Of Revealing?
Voter Engagement Efforts at Full Force in Georgia
Clean Trucks Are Paving the Road to the Electric Vehicle Era
"Gaza made us men"
Interview 1606 – James Corbett Tackles The Ultimate Question
Being ‘Chosen’ vs. Being ‘Ordinary’ in 2020s America
États-Unis : Autour de Biden, consultants, profiteurs de guerre et faucons de la sécurité nationale
Climat : L’année 2020 pourrait dépasser le record de température de 2016
82% of Americans Say They Couldn’t Afford $500 Emergency Thanks to Pandemic
‘No Vaccine, No Work’: Employers Discuss Making Immunity Mandatory for Workers
USA Coup: The Final Stage?
Florida Will Now Require Disclosure of PCR ‘Cycle Threshold’ Data in Tests
Georgia Runoffs: Voters Take Stock of Their GOP Senators
Des avions militaires israéliens au-dessus de la France
December Open Thread
Jungle Jabbah and the Fight Against War Crimes Impunity
Green War (December 6, 2020) by Yutaka Yokoyama
L.A. Bar Owner Furious After City Lets Hollywood Studio Set Up Dining Tents Across From Her Closed Bar
Chine : Un nouveau partenariat stratégique mais insuffisant face à la guerre commerciale américaine
Revue de presse du 06/12/2020
Israel kills child and then lies
Tested Positive?? Be Sure to Ask This Question!
Paris Plunges Into Chaos as Protesters Denounce New Security Law
Derrière « Monsieur Vaccin » : le clan Rothschild
Brut (de jus de chaussette)
Quand la radio Israël Inter recrute Tristan Mendès Israël
USA : le général Flynn appelle à suspendre la Constitution
Trump’s Pardon Party is Just Getting Started
Your Guide to the Great Monetary Reset
Intrépide et curieux, Robert Fisk était l’un des meilleurs journalistes indépendants
« Forteresse Taïwan » : Le triomphe de l’industrie de l’armement sur la politique étrangère américaine
Luke Rudkowski Goes Back on Timcast IRL to Discuss New Video Evidence of Vote Fraud
BOMBSHELL: Clinton-Epstein Connection Finally Gets Exposed!
Phishing Cyberattack Targets COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Initiative
In Bizarre Interview, Biden Says He’d Fake an Illness and Resign Over Disagreement With Kamala Harris
Episode 390 – Bretton Woods 2.0
Trump's aid cuts mean harsh winter for Palestine's refugees
Why Even a Pandemic Can’t Make Remote Learning Work
A harvest of heartbreak
“You Alone Can Save His Life”: Edward Snowden Urges Trump to Pardon Julian Assange
Vaccine Guinea Pigs, Environment Swindle, Cuomo’s Emmy – New World Next Week
Bill Clinton “Couldn’t Stay Away” From Epstein & Visited Pedo Island in 2003, According to His Former Top Aide
Crimes de guerre : L’Australie révèle les atrocités commises en Afghanistan, les États-Unis continuent d’ignorer les leurs
Comment choisir un président ? En 1787, l’invention du Collège électoral des États-Unis
Israel lobby intimidates Rashida Tlaib
BREAKING NEWS: Biden Administration Confirms Great Reset Coming Soon!
L’idiot(e) du jour : Caroline De Haas
UN Calls on Humanity to End ‘War on Nature,’ Go Carbon-Free
French Wahabis v. French Wahabis
Labour purges veteran Israeli anti-Zionist Moshé Machover
Why Indian Hindus Hate Indian Muslims: An Algorithmic Solution
Mort de Giscard d’Estaing, cible méconnue du lobby sioniste
Interview 1605 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
Central Bank Digital Currencies and the Global Monetary Reset
Green War (December 3, 2020) by Yutaka Yokoyama
As COVID-19 Cases Rise, Miami Schools Ready to Start Testing
UN Says 233,000 Yemenis Dead After 6 Years of Saudi-US Coalition Bombing
« Le journalisme de terrain disparait et la presse perd sa raison d’être » – Entretien avec Jacques-Marie Bourget
Cet hiver, combattez la Covid-19 par l’humidité
Luke Rudkowski Goes on Timcast IRL to Discuss Michael Flynn’s Call for Trump to Declare Martial Law
Owner of NYC Bar Arrested Days After Declaring “Autonomous Zone” to Dodge Pandemic Restrictions
WHAT?! I Can’t Believe What These Politicians Did To This Man!
German vaccine pledge appears to discriminate against Palestinians
Europe Inks Space Claw Plan to Capture Orbiting Junk
Palestine in Pictures: November 2020
Dissolution du CCIF : Darmanin dissimule l’identité de son président lié à Israël
Casablanca, Mourad et moi
Interview 1604 – John Titus on Central Bank Digital Currencies
Lawyers Petition for New Anthrax Investigation
Georgia Democrats Denounce Viral Video on Voter Purge
App makes killing Palestinians as easy as ordering pizzas
Watch Obama Casually Admit His Drone Strikes Killed an “Inordinate Amount” of Innocent Civilians
Les anciens chefs du Renseignement britanniques ont ignoré les menaces sanitaires et climatiques
Malgré ses échecs, le néolibéralisme continue de régenter la politique en Afrique
Affaire Zecler : la piste Hufnagel
Zuckerberg Says Facebook Will Provide The “Authoritative Information” On Vaccines
Florida Governor Slams Lockdown-Advocates as “Today’s Flat-Earthers”
Washington Post reporter moves from covering Israel to working for it
SHOCKING: You’ve Got To See How Religious Jews Are Battling Cuomo!
First Blood Test to Help Diagnose Alzheimer’s Goes on Sale
Interview 1603 – Lawyers’ Committee Anthrax Petition
Connaissez-vous Bertrand Pillet alias Thinkerview ?
« Lumières étranges » : le monolithe de Roumanie a disparu
Contre l’islam, pour Israël : Bernard de La Villardière
Social Media Conservatives Push for GA Election Boycott
La Bombe US est prête : bientôt dans l'UE, par Manlio Dinucci
National-sionisme : la synthèse
Le général Flynn, QAnon et les élections US, par Thierry Meyssan
Nouvelle-Calédonie : Vers un nouveau cycle de violences ? – par Eric Juillot
La Commission européenne favorise les délocalisations : l’exemple de Bridgestone-Béthune
Covid-19 : Combien d’années de vie perdues ?
Interview 1602 – James Corbett on Medical Martial Law, Solutions and Agorism
US Billionaires Have Gained $1 Trillion Since Pandemic Started
‘The Wuhan Files’: CNN Publishes Leaked Report Showing China Downplayed COVID-19 Outbreak
Your Giving Tuesday Gift will be matched dollar for dollar
Orwell Tried To Warn Us About 1984 But No One Listened!
WHO Urges Global Governments to “Manage” All Social Activity
EU covers up for Israel after Iran scientist's slaying
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