A new study has revealed that SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes COVID-19, infects the testicles and likely impacts male fertility. Recall in March we reported that doctors in central Wuhan raised concerns over testicle damage after observing a lowered ratio of testosterone to luteinising hormone (T/LH).
New Chinese Study Confirms COVID-19 Attacks Testicles, May Affect Male Fertility
Mitch McConnell Officially Concedes Joe Biden is “President-Elect” Following Congratulations From Vladimir Putin
Episode 391 – Solutions: Physical Media
What Will Trump Do Next? We Already Know
La guerre civile devient inévitable aux USA, par Thierry Meyssan
États-Unis : Ce à quoi le président Joe Biden ne touchera pas
William Barr to Resign as U.S. Attorney General by Christmas
Climat : un gouffre entre la parole des États et les actes
EXPOSED: Major Leak Shows HUGE Chinese Communist Party Infiltration Of The West
Treasury, Commerce Departments Hacked in Months-long Global Cyberespionage Campaign
UK Warns of Highly Infectious New Coronavirus Strain Discovered in Southern England
Podcast Ep 27: A vision of equality in Jerusalem
Bill Gates Says Restaurants and Bars Should “Sadly” Be Closed for 4-6 Months, No Return to “Normal” Until 2022
On Big Issues, Democrats Commit to Donors Over Workers
Opportunities vanish for Gaza's businesswomen
Green War (December 14, 2020) by Yutaka Yokoyama
Ghislaine Maxwell Offers $30 Million Bail and Reveals Her Secret Husband’s Name
La Guerre de l’élite dirigeante contre la Vérité – par Chris Hedges
En dix ans, de 1939 à 1949, Industriels et Financiers ont détruit le pouvoir syndical
GOP Lawmaker Says “Trump is Listening to the Many of Us Who Are Urging Him to #PardonSnowden”
Another 25 Books You Should Read
Florida’s Governor Hopes You Pay No Attention to the Men With Guns
Hunter Biden Subpoenaed Over Burisma, Two Dozen Other Entities as Part of Four Investigations
Les leçons oubliées de la Guerre de Corée sur la folie de l’interventionnisme américain
Revue de presse du 13/12/2020
Transition énergétique : Des énergies pas vraiment vertes | ARTE
Administrations Come and Go, but Raytheon is Forever
The good news is, according to none other than Alan Dershowitz, no one has the right to refuse a vaccination preventing the spread of Zionism
Partisanship on the Supreme Court, Wisconsin Style
Biden Administration: Out With the Old, in With the Older
Interview 1609 – James Corbett on Resisting the Great Reset
Cambridge Study: Children’s Mental Health Deteriorated “Substantially” During Lockdown
Test Covid-19 : Les riches New-yorkais rémunèrent des personnes pour faire la queue à leur place
Climat : Novembre 2020 est le troisième mois le plus chaud des archives
Un monolithe australien renvoie au Sphinx d’Égypte
Kassovitz ne connaît pas la crise
CCIF : game over
The Week in Pandemic
U.S. Supreme Court Throws Out Texas Bid to Overturn 2020 Election Results
Legal analysis blows apart EHRC's "Labour anti-Semitism" report
Unbelievable! They’re Trying To Stop Trump From Sending The Troops Home!
Critics Stunned by Time Magazine’s Choice of Biden-Harris for 2020 Person of the Year Award
Australia Cancels COVID Vaccine Trial Over “Unexpected” False Positives for HIV
If the day of reckoning comes in my lifetime, I’ll be there. But what to do in the meantime?
“I’ll Burn that Bridge When I Get to It”
Vincent Lapierre, VRP de l’islamophobie
Clinton Epstein, Fleeing NYC, IsrAliens – New World Next Week
Sketches of a Socialist Dream
Nommé par Biden, Richard Stengel est un ancien « chef propagandiste » partisan d’une propagande aux États-Unis
US Attorney General Concealed Hunter Biden Probes From Public During Election
Le Ministère de l’Intérieur muscle les possibilités de fichage politique
The Only Guaranteed Path to Defeat COVID, Mandated-Insanity & Save Our Liberties Now!
La poissonnière du Figaro
"Death to the Arabs" greets new Emirati owner of Israeli football team
The Great Reset: Pope Joins Rothschild Coalition To Redefine Capitalism!
“Guardians For Inclusive Capitalism”: Group Overseeing $10 Trillion Signs Partnership With The Vatican
Pire que le Covid : une méga-tempête solaire
Britain and France hop into bed with Israel's military
Earth Is Still Sailing Into Climate Chaos, but Its Course Could Shift
Luke Rudkowski on Timcast IRL: Seventeen States Sign on to Texas Lawsuit Demanding Trump Win
Interview 1608 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
Green War (December 10, 2020) by Yutaka Yokoyama
Why is the EU helping Israel treat its waste in the West Bank?
Seattle Aims to Make Illegal Drug Use Safer
John Kerry’s Think Tank Calls for War With Russia Over Climate Change
Hunter Biden Reveals He Is Facing Tax Fraud Investigation
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Won’t Require Staff to Take COVID-19 Vaccine Due to General Uncertainty
In Stunning Rebuke, LA Judge Strikes Down “Abusive” Outdoor Dining Ban as Lacking “Science, Evidence or Logic”
De Gaulle et l’OTAN, 1966 : L’épiphanie de la France Libre – par Eric Juillot
Claire-Anne Siegrist, vaccinologue : « Il est normal que les gens se posent des questions sur les vaccins »
Hanan Ashrawi dispels claim she resigned over PA-Israel collusion
WOW! Already They’re Finding MANY Adverse Reactions!
Russiagate Fanatic Caught Associating With Chinese Spy, Claims Left-Leaning Axios Report is Trump Disinfo
Top Cybersecurity Firm Says It’s Been Hacked By a State Nation
UK Warns People With Allergy History to Avoid Pfizer Vaccine
Rethinking The Rookie – Copaganda’s Response to BLM and George Floyd
Racial Justice Missing Piece in Drug Reforms
Interview 1607 – Books, Books, Books! on Grand Theft World
“Not a Criminal”: Top UN Anti-Torture Official Calls for Julian Assange’s Release
La Loi sur la Recherche française : le Gouvernement poursuit sa croisade néolibérale
Mouse Utopia and The Blackest Pill (video)
Paniques anticomplotistes – par Frédéric Lordon
56% of Americans Now Say They Would Live in a Tiny Home
Loeffler attacks Palestinian rights, Warnock silent
Rokhaya Diallo : bientôt au Bilderberg ?
Un épouvantail comme anti-vaccin sur LCI
Israel makes COVID much worse for Palestinians
HOLY COW! China Brags About Controlling US Establishment And Biden
Birdwatcher’s Corner (8)
Luke Rudkowski on Timcast IRL: Israeli Official CONFIRMS Existence of Aliens, Says THEY’RE HERE!
Comment échapper à la Covid-19 sous les bombes nucléaires, par Manlio Dinucci
Millions of Hungry Americans Turn to Food Banks for First Time
Video: A Gaza midwife tells her stories
Mouse Utopia and The Blackest Pill – #PropagandaWatch
Contact extra-terrestre : Israël prépare les esprits
Whose Economy Is It Anyway?
Casse-tête à l'Otan, par Thierry Meyssan
Un document oublié de la CIA jette un éclairage critique sur la diplomatie américaine – par Glenn Greenwald
India Faces Mass Hospitalizations as Mysterious, Deadly Illness Strikes Nearly 400 People
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