Manchester, UK — Authorities in Manchester have found an extremely effective way to reduce the risk of coronavirus transmission at college parties: send students home.
Partying the Pandemic Away
Why has the EU hired an Israeli propagandist?
Allies and Adversaries Weigh In on Trumpist Insurrection
Introducing #SolutionsWatch
Les conséquences des désaccords sur les faits basiques
Origine du Sars-Cov2 : Vers une enquête à « rebrousse-poil » de l’OMS en Chine ? – par Yann Faure
Julian Assange : La justice britannique refuse la demande de mise en liberté
Stop Watching Propaganda – #PropagandaWatch (video)
MSM Already Using Capitol Hill Riot to Call for More Internet Censorship
When the Commander in Chief Encourages Insurrection
“Here’s Where We Are, Who We Trust & What We’ve Got, America!!”
New year off to bloody start in West Bank
WOW! This Is Actually Happening
LIVE: US Capitol Buildings Go Into Lockdown as Trump Supporters Storm D.C. and Tear Down Security Fences
Georgia: Republicans Blame Trump While Democrats Celebrate
Proctoring Software Has a Face-Detection Problem
Journal-January 4, 2021
Julian Assange Denied Bail by London Court Despite No Charges Pending
The Balkan Wars: Return to Slavonski Brod
Green War – by Yutaka Yokoyama
Stop Watching Propaganda – #PropagandaWatch
Une « Europe-puissance » ? Force de l’idéal, profondeur de l’illusion – par Eric Juillot
États-Unis : $14 milliards de dépenses pour la présidentielle 2020, deux fois plus qu’en 2016
The FBI Used a “Stingray” Device to Track Down Ghislaine Maxwell
Israel went on demolition spree in 2020
They Knew This Was Coming And Did NOTHING!
‘It Just Doesn’t Stop’: Georgians Swamped by Election Calls
Rate of Adverse Reactions to COVID Vaccines Already 50 Times Higher Than Flu Shot
Portuguese Nurse Dies Suddenly After Receiving The Jab
Proud Boys Leader Arrested in Washington D.C. Ahead of Wednesday’s Trump Rally
Washington D.C. Bans Guns, Calls Up National Guard Ahead of Pro-Trump Election Protests
Cheik Rohani sème le trouble au Moyen-Orient, par Thierry Meyssan
Derrière le verdict de Londres sur Julian Assange, par Manlio Dinucci
La justice britannique refuse l’extradition de Julian Assange vers les États-Unis
Journalisme : Pourquoi Suzanne Moore a-t-elle démissionné du Guardian ?
Interdit d’interdire – Valeurs républicaines ? Principes républicains ? Laïcité ?
JOURNAL-January 3, 2021
Something CAN Be Done About THIS
Much hope but little gain
No, Polar Bears Do Not Live In Antarctica. But Could They?
Video: Not even allowed to live in a cave
PromoSion au sein de l’extrême gauche pilotée par le Crif
Sciappa et son féminisme à géométrie variable
Meyer Habib vacciné : la pub idéale des antivaccins
Julian Assange Can’t Be Extradited to US, UK Judge Rules
Trump Squirms; Georgia Republicans Propose Voting Restrictions
Barack Obama et la mort de l’Idéalisme
L’Irlande investit dans le climat – Arte
Top US Official Says “Growing Body of Evidence” Shows COVID-19 Leaked From Chinese Lab
It’s Happening…
BREAKING- NY Law Introduced to Designate & Detain Un-Vaccinated & Un-Masked as BIO-Terrorists!
Journal-January 2, 2021.
Panamza, un agent « infiltré » selon le mythomane El Hattab
The anti-Palestinian racists attacking Raphael Warnock
Mort des soldats français : encore une revendication « islamiste » postée par Israël
Republicans Glory in Electoral Dysfunction
Pollution : Coca-Cola, Pepsi et Nestlé principaux pollueurs de plastique depuis trois ans
Interdit d’interdire – Viktor Orban contre Bruxelles ?
Palestine in Pictures: December 2020
The Newsroom Season 1 Review (Preview)
JOURNAL-January 1, 2021
GA Leaders Uphold Election Results After History of Suppression
Vaccine Rollout Isn’t Exactly at Warp Speed
Impérial et inaccessible, Giscard d’Estaing incarnait l’élite prétentieuse de l’UE
La Guerre commerciale des Superpuissances | ARTE
New Year Open Thread
“Oh S***!”: Large Blue Glowing UFO Startles Hawaiian Residents
Let’s Be Absolutely Clear What’s At Stake In The Assange Case
This Week in Pandemic: What Possible Good Can Come of This?
WhoWhatWhy 2021: Where Do We Go From Here?
Where we’re at
Question: What is the difference between Capitalism and Communism? Answer: Capitalism is about the exploitation of man by man and communism is just the opposite.
WhoWhatWhy’s Top Ten Podcasts of 2020 – Part 2
Don’t Go Begging the Government to Stop Government Insanity!
Très bonne année 2021 !
Podcast Ep 28: Demanding justice for the Holy Land Five
The Great Reset Officially Just Started—What’s REALLY Going On??
L’infirmier Lautard, atteint de rage antimusulmane
Commedia dell’arte
Qui protège Houria Bouteldja ?
Robot Rhythm: Androids’ New Year Dance Celebration Goes Viral
Goodbye — At Last
« Derrière nos écrans de fumée » : Une critique acerbe de l’industrie technologique et un appel au changement
La police en déconfiture ? Alexandre Langlois et Noam Anouar – par Thinkerview
Red in the East/Rises the Sun,/Palestine’s Brought Forth,/A Sana Kassem
This Is TRULY Dangerous!
BREAKING- Audits of States’ COVID Death Reports Expose SCAM!
“Extremely Serious”: Lethal Levels of Radiation Found in Damaged Fukushima Reactor
What were the top BDS victories of 2020?
The Biggest Climate Change Stories of 2020
To Sana Kassem, Our Captain!
ER Nurse Tests Positive for SARS-CoV-2 a Week After Being Vaccinated
Swiss Patient Dies Shortly After Receiving Pfizer Shot
All the News You Made Possible in 2020
L’Inde et la Chine se préparent à une nouvelle bataille, cette fois-ci sur l’eau
Le capitalisme se suicide et veut nous emporter avec lui – avec Paul Jorion
Green War (December 30, 2020) by Yutaka Yokoyama
Epstein’s Last Cellmate Found Dead in His Mother’s Apartment
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