Interview 1613 – Catherine Austin Fitts on The State of Our Currencies
Experts Warn Civil Rights Fallout From Virus Could Be Far Worse Than the Pandemic Itself
WOW! They’re Moving These Troops A LOT!
Why are Ireland's police teaming up with Israel's torture ministry?
Majority of Americans Already Wear a Mask in Public
Elephants Counted From Space for Conservation
La Maison-Blanche s'adapte à l'idéologie du genre
EU anti-Semitism chief stands by blatant lie
Les mesures de confinement n'ont pas d'impact sur la Covid-19 (Stanford)
Don’t Panic: Health Passports Are Already a Thing
Farmer Gates, Biden Swamp, I Am Open – New World Next Week
The 4th Annual Fake News Awards! (video)
Laetitia Avia, contre la haine, tout contre
Paris détruite : une prophétie turque
Unity Is Probably Impossible
Rougier ou l’islamologie sous contrôle sioniste
Fourberie & Télé-Poubelle
Climat : Comment expliquer la saison cyclonique record de 2020 ?
Interdit d’interdire – Assange, Trump… jusqu’où défendre la liberté d’expression ?
Our States-Our Liberties & A Declaration: What Can Be Done
They’re Already Going CRAZY!
Media Suddenly Questions Whether California’s Outdoor Dining Ban Contributed to COVID-19 Surge
Foot soldiers of the colonizer state
Biden Signs Order for US to Rejoin Paris Climate Agreement
Négociations secrètes Biden-Khamenei
Vilain cachottier
Silvano Trotta, un « complotiste » fabriqué par le système
Fin des interdictions d'entrée sur le territoire des États-Unis , par Joseph R. Biden Jr.
Right on Cue for Biden, WHO Admits High-Cycle PCR Tests Produce COVID False Positives
Interview 1612 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
Discours d'investiture de Joseph R. Biden, par Joseph R. Biden Jr.
Israel censored this film. Watch it here
Biden’s Diverse Cabinet Will Matter to America
Jack Dosey aussi censure des gouvernements
Freedom Airway – #SolutionsWatch (video)
EU snubs Jews who criticize Israel
Keir Starmer, Der Sturmer and the Hottie Israeli Spy: What's Going On?
Keir Starmer, Der Sturmer and the Hottie Israeli Spy: What’s Going On?
Merveille de la mondialisation : Adieu Alcatel, bonjour Huawei – par Eric Juillot
Vieillir enfermés | La Covid-19 au sein des EHPAD | ARTE
“Even Libertarians”: John Brennan Issues ‘List’ of Ideologies Biden Intel Community Should Go After
NPR: No Palestinians Radio
YEAH… This Could NOT Get Any Worse!
Unusual Confirmation Delays Dangerous for America
New CDC Director to Make Sure Voices of Science Are Heard Again
The Final Battleground- The Only Constitutional & Viable Path to Victory for “We the People”!
Biden Issues Barrage of 17 Executive Actions on Border, Climate, Immigration & “100 Day Masking Challenge”
Refilling the Swamp: Trump Revokes His Own Lobbying Ban for Former Officials
Journal-January 19, 2021 (ESSAY CONTEXT-$100.00 PRIZE!)
Journal-January 19, 2021 (ESSAY CONTEXT-$100.00 PRIZE!)
What's Going On?
What’s Going On?
Meanwhile in Mar-a-Lago
Israel belatedly to offer Palestinian prisoners vaccine
I’m Blocked From Uploading to GooTube (and Other News)
Biden Takes Over
Élection américaine : pourquoi Joe Biden a gagné
États-Unis : La vague d’expulsions qui s’annonce risque d’aggraver la crise sanitaire
La Grande illusion – par Chris Hedges
Millions of Hot Pockets Recalled, May Contain “Pieces of Glass and Plastic”
Unplugged- “Viva States’ Rights! Viva Florida via FUAMI!”
Génération Ouin-Ouin ?
Terrorisme et pédocriminalité : François Molins, gardien du temple
Cash Investigation Inoffensive
Independent Panel Blames China, WHO for Acting Too Slowly to Contain COVID-19
Biden Picked a Lot of Obama People. Here’s Why It’s OK.
Réarmement, l'Otan se fait Banque, par Manlio Dinucci
WATCH: In Farewell Address, Trump Wishes Biden Success in “Keeping America Prosperous and Safe”
Wow! This is pretty BIG…
The Romanian Left’s (mis)adventures in the realm of idpol and cancel culture (Part II)
The Romanian Left’s (mis)adventures in the realm of idpol and cancel culture (Part II)
The Romanian Left’s (mis)adventures in the realm of idpol and cancel culture (Part I)
The Romanian Left’s (mis)adventures in the realm of idpol and cancel culture (Part I)
McConnell Sparks GOP-Split Talk, Claims “Mob Was Fed Lies…Provoked by Trump”
Military Insiders Reveal Their Inauguration Nightmare
A Graduating High School Teenager's Thoughts about Covid
A Graduating High School Teenager’s Thoughts about Covid
From a clever (if idiosyncratic) correspondent
From a clever (if idiosyncratic) correspondent
Mark Zuckerberg censure des gouvernements
Greener Air Travel Will Depend on These Emerging Technologies
Viral #TrumpsNewArmy Video is Liberals at Their Craziest and Scariest
In the WW3 In Which We Live
Spain legal victory exposes EU lie about BDS
Freedom Airway – #SolutionsWatch
UK Labour Party hires former Israeli spy
Après l'URSS, les USA s'effondrent, par Thierry Meyssan
Trump Lifts Ban on Travel From EU, UK and Brazil—Biden Immediately Reinstates It
Lincoln Project Co-Founder Steps Down After “Inappropriate” and “Sexually Charged” Texts to “Dozens of Young Men”
Biden invite Goldman Sachs et la Big Tech à rejoindre ses équipes de transition
En mémoire de Patrice Lumumba assassiné le 17 janvier 1961 – par Eric Toussaint
This Film has Been Modified to Meet Imperial Demands – Tom on In the Context of Empire
California Halts the Jab From Moderna Linked to “Unusually High Number” of Adverse Reactions
“It Was a Non-Event”: MSM Forced to Admit Nationwide Pro-Trump Protest Panic Was Overblown
Jean-Pierre Bacri (1951-2021)
Pamela Anderson Leads Diverse Left-Right Coalition Pushing Trump to Pardon Assange
The National Security State Looks Like It’s In Panic Mode
If Martin Luther King Jr. Were Alive Today, Big Tech Would’ve Already Banned Him
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