L'Arabie saoudite rétablit ses relations avec le Qatar
Trump’s Storm Troopers: First Blood
Humans Won’t Be Able to Control Artificial Intelligence, Scientists Warn
Thousands Denounce Lockdown in Amsterdam as Chaos Unfolds at “Unauthorized” Gathering
L'Iran diffuse des armes dans tout le Moyen-Orient, par Gilad Erdan
Nas Daily's "Israeli" partner makes "secret" visit to Lebanon
Le Pentagone place Israël dans la zone du CentCom
Connexion Epstein-Lang : la crasse incompétence de Sonia Mabrouk
« Malka & Mila », tragicomédie franco-israélienne
Le Praud du baratin
Haziza, sacré meilleur journaliste de France (si, si)
Racisme : l’hypocrisie de « l’humoriste » Sophia Aram
MLK: He Had a Dream, but the US Government Was His Nightmare
Dancing for Doctors!
L’Empire n’en a pas fini avec Julian Assange – par Chris Hedges
Green War – by Yutaka Yokoyama
Green War – by Yutaka Yokoyama
« Extrémistes » : L’épouvantail des dirigeants pour justifier leur propre pouvoir
Armed Protesters Arrive at State Capitols Around the Nation
Aurore Bergé, l’enfant caché de Bibi et Foufou
Ismaël Saidi cherche du boulot
Soral et sa bande de Trumpettes
Question à Darmanin
Mélenchon choisit un avocat dévoué à Israël
Inceste : le débat qui arrange les réseaux pédo
Délicatesse de la presse : l’effet Rothschild
« Il avoue un petit Arabe »
Les dessous de l’affaire Duhamel
What happened to Julian Assange
Amid Charges of Election Fraud, Uganda Reelects Museveni
Biden to “Immediately” Send Congress Bill That Would Offer Citizenship to 11 Million Illegals
Armored Humvee Stolen From Military Base Ahead of Planned Armed Protests at State Capitols
Stop US Support: War in Yemen 2020-21
World Says No to War on Yemen – 25 Jan 2021
Biden May Hit A Manchin Roadblock
The Year Ahead – Part 2: Biosecurity
I Can’t Believe It’s Not Human!
2020 Hindsight: Civil War Interrupted in Former Capital of the Confederacy
Pauvreté ou Richesse ? Lequel est naturel ?
Revue de presse du 17/01/2021
La Source – La Chine dans le RCEP : un séisme dans le commerce mondial
U.S. State Department Says It Has Evidence Supporting COVID Lab Escape Theory
New Lockdown in China Triggers “Chaos and Panic” at Grocery Stores as Prices Soar 50%
Billionaire Rothschild Dies of Sudden Heart Attack at 57
Poland Plans to Make Censoring of Social Media Accounts Illegal
Big Tech Giveth and Big Tech Can Taketh Away
Interview With Norman Finkelstein (1/6)
Episode 393 – The 4th Annual Fake News Awards!
Switzerland Risks Becoming Beijing’s Security Satellite
Offre d’emploi : Journaliste Pigiste
Le « ruissellement » est une imposture : l’économie de l’offre alimente les inégalités
Macron et les nababs : la lutte pour un « Fox News » à la française
The Two Faces Of The U.S. Empire
Green War – by Yutaka Yokoyama
Interview With Norman Finkelstein (2/6)
Interview With Norman Finkelstein (3/6)
Interview With Norman Finkelstein (4/6)
Interview With Norman Finkelstein (5/6)
Interview With Norman Finkelstein (6/6)
Health Experts Call for Suspension of Pfizer Vaccination Among Elderly
U.S. Refutes Arizona Prosecutors’ Claim About Rioter Plans to “Capture and Assassinate” Politicians
HOLY COW! This Crazy Passport For Everyone Is Happening!
This Week in Pandemic: New Flavors of Coronavirus
Giuliani’s ‘Collect’ Calls
Israel lobby urges Biden to ramp up attacks on college activists
Allocution d'Emmanuel Macron après les évènements du Capitole, par Emmanuel Macron
L'ayatollak Khamenei interdit les vaccins US, anglais et français
Le Pentagone forme le Guyana pour attaquer le Venezuela, par Samuel Moncada
Journal-January 14, 2021 (Did Trump Incite Violence?)
Israel's vaccination program is morally indefensible
Capitol Desecration, Info War, PCR Psyop – New World Next Week
Voici le Français qui avait donné 200 000 euros à un émeutier américain
Why Is the US Senate So F**ked Up?
A rudimentary weapon of desperation
EU border guards ask no questions as they shop for Israel's drones
Après le bannissement de Trump, « make social networks great again »
Forte baisse des émissions de CO2 en 2020 – par Johan Lorck
Aussie Officials Fume at Google’s “Experimental” Blocking of Several News Media Sites
Trump Declassifies “Foot-High” Stack of Russiagate, Obamagate Documents; Set for Release Within Days
Things Will Only Get Worse From Here…
A Bill Gates Venture Aims to Spray Dust Into the Atmosphere to Block the Sun. What Could Go Wrong?
Unity? CNN’s Don Lemon: If You Voted For Trump, You’re With The Klan, The Nazis, & The Rioters
Hunger Ward-Virtual Film Screening in Support of the Day of Action for Yemen
‘I support the Global Day of Action for Yemen’. Will You Join Me to Say No to War on Yemen?
Réveillé par la police pour avoir «diffamé» l’escroc israélien Elfassi
Interview 1611 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
Giving Palestinians a glimpse of home
Journal-January 13, 2021 (Jewish Supremacist State)
Biden Presidency a New Era for Disability Rights?
Ken Livingstone to challenge EHRC in court
Freedom Cells and The Greater Reset – #SolutionsWatch (video)
Facebook Played a Major Role in Coordinating the ‘Capitol Riot’
Israel Launches “Deadliest Airstrikes in Years” on Syria With US Intelligence Coordination
En 1872, le virus de la grippe a paralysé l’économie américaine en infectant les chevaux
La Compil’ de la Semaine : Le grand retour des Miscellanées
In Final Act, Trump Admin to Present ‘Bombshell’ Findings Blaming Wuhan Lab for COVID-19, WHO Cover-Up
French family demands justice from Israel
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