Charlie Wilson's War reduces nearly 10 years of the Soviet-Afghan War into an hour and forty minutes of Sorkin-scribed witty dialogue focusing almost entirely on how one alcoholic, womanising congressman helped to raise the billions of dollars that were given to the mujahideen to fight the godless Commie invaders.
Did the CIA rewrite Charlie Wilson’s War? - Spy Culture
The american nightmare
Spirit Cooking Election Day Special – Tom Secker on PPR - Spy Culture
The Clintons and the CIA: deep relationship
How often do US police officers discharge their weapons?
ClandesTime 091 – The CIA and James Bond - Spy Culture
CIA Invited to Special Screening of Goldfinger - Spy Culture
To those FBI agents who are standing on Honor: don’t stop now
Pentagon Production Assistance Agreement for Tomorrow Never Dies - Spy Culture
Subscriber podcast #1 – Mr Robot and Westworld - Spy Culture
Breaking Hillary email scandal: open rebellion at the FBI
ClandesTime 090 – Elections as National Trauma - Spy Culture
FBI reopens Hillary email probe: what took so long?
Did the Dept. of Energy invent the ‘Making Of’ video? - Spy Culture
Omnia vincit amor
National Guard emails on Brüno - Spy Culture
UN Make Wonder Woman an Ambassador - Spy Culture
Quand j’étais jeune, pas trop con, et nationaliste révolutionnaire
ClandesTime 089 – Conspiracy Theories: The Moon Landings - Spy Culture
The CIA’s James Bond File - Spy Culture
How to Stop Chronic MRSA Infections
Mal menor…
ClandesTime 088 – Roar - Spy Culture
CIA Documents on Scorpio – The First Movie to Film at Langley - Spy Culture
El embozo de la corrupción se llama retórica
ClandesTime 087 – Rorschach Politics and the US Election - Spy Culture
FBI investigated Richard Condon over The Manchurian Candidate - Spy Culture
S’abstenir de s’abstenir?
ClandesTime 086 – The Cinema of the Soviet-Afghan War - Spy Culture
Psoe, le torchon brûle… la casa (cosa) está que arde
Trump vs. Clinton - The Window of Opportunity
La guerre de Syrie et ses références
ClandesTime 085 – WW2 Spies and Hyperreality - Spy Culture
¿Referéndum vinculante?
Cómo freír huevos sin que salpiquen
Agua por San Mateo, puercas vendimias y gordos borregos…
Watergate etc. – Tom Secker on Porkins Policy Radio - Spy Culture
Dept of Energy records on the filming of Tron (and Star Trek) - Spy Culture
Message to Colin Kaepernick: the real disaster of inner cities
FBI documents on The International Spy Museum - Spy Culture
The Russian Spring in Donbass
Salvador Dali vs. The Matrix
The CIA and Three Days of the Condor - Spy Culture
An overview of Syncretism in Russia: Orthodoxy and Sovietism
Over the Top – Tom Secker on Uncle the Podcast - Spy Culture
Dept of Energy and Climate Change Documents on Skyfall - Spy Culture
What you’ll never read about virus-research fraud
ClandesTime 084 – A Very Heavy Agenda - Spy Culture
Contact Lines: An Interview with Manuel Ochsenreiter
Did the Pentagon use The Battle of Algiers as a training film? - Spy Culture
Profile: Richard Klein - Spy Culture
The New-Old Left vs. the “Theater of the Absurd”
Czech Communists for Donbass and Multipolarity
The CIA and Hollywood 15 – SALT - Spy Culture
The CIA and Hollywood 14 – Zero Dark Thirty - Spy Culture
Hunter S Thompson’s FBI File - Spy Culture
My interview with Sharyl Attkisson: vaccines, exposing the CDC
Pentagon-Hollywood Collaboration Database Excerpts - Spy Culture
Porkins Policy Radio – Now a Radio Show - Spy Culture
NASA Production Agreement for The Avengers - Spy Culture
CIA and State Dept Documents on Jack Valenti - Spy Culture
The CIA and Hollywood 13 – Race to Witch Mountain - Spy Culture
Inside the FBI: agents’ outrage at Hillary email decision
FBI-Hillary interview lost; and the silence of the lambs
BBFC Report: Complaints about violence and torture in Spectre, Kingsman and Minions - Spy Culture
The Writer with No Hands – Tom Secker and Pearse Redmond on The Opperman Report - Spy Culture
The CIA and Hollywood 12 – American Ultra - Spy Culture
Review: A Very Heavy Agenda - Spy Culture
5 Examples of Hollywood’s Influence on Politics - Spy Culture
Tor somehow manages to get worse
The CIA and Hollywood 11 – The Men Who Stare at Goats - Spy Culture
16 Military and Intelligence Code Names Inspired by Popular Culture - Spy Culture
The CIA and Hollywood 10 – Confessions of a Dangerous Mind - Spy Culture
The CIA Spying On Spy Fiction – Scorpio - Spy Culture
Boggling flu hoax: not for prime-time news
Orlando shooter: deeper hidden ties to the FBI?
The CIA and Hollywood 09 – Good Night, and Good Luck - Spy Culture
Israeli leaders vow revenge after Tel Aviv attack
California Dreamin On a Bernie Day
“Finding a way to help guide Mr. Sanders past his disappointment is the president’s chief goal during the next few days, Obama aides said” (Oh, Great Black Messiah, who the f*** asked you? Do I ever hope and pray Bernie tells him to take it and shove it!)
WASN’T THAT A TIME! (Muhammad Ali)
Priorities, Priorities!
Question and Answer
#BlacksAgainstHillary Initiative Joined Hundreds of Black People Across America
Liste des participants à la réunion 2016 du Groupe de Bilderberg
Bilderberg Conspirators Arrive With Dark Clouds of Filth
La France louche
« Je suis Tel Aviv » : le racolage électoral d’Alain Juppé
UK anti-Muslim leaders embrace Israel
Why was Elon Musk at the Pentagon?
Biggest Financial Conspiracy In History or Just The Fall Guy ?
Lindsey Graham will Become a Democrat If Republicans Select Trump
On a eu le mois d’avril le plus chaud de l’histoire! Qui avait remarqué ?
Point sur le climat en graphiques
The smash-hit movie called Reality
Le réchauffement mondial s’accélère, par Nicholas C. Arguimbau
Quelle réponse de l’UE en cas de Brexit ?, par Romaric Godin
Journalist Threatened With Violence By Police For Reporting On Bilderberg
War Industry Muster: U.S. Academia Aiding & Abetting the Pentagon
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