Some 1,000 people could be left homeless if Israeli demolitions in Masafer Yatta are not halted.
Biggest Israeli demolition in a decade leaves 100 homeless
Ketamine found to have an “unbelievable” effect in treating severe depression
When Israel turns houses into jails
Why Rand Paul Really Dropped Out Of The 2016 Presidential Race
Criminal Politician Won 6 Coin Flips To Take Iowa
BREAKING: Rand Paul Ends 2016 Presidential Campaign
Attentats du 13 novembre : le président de la commission d’enquête parlementaire fait partie du clan Netanyahou
Why Didn’t They Ask French Jews, “Would You Be Comfortable If Your Daughter Married A Muslim”? (Is there any doubt what the answer would be?)
“New Search Engine Discovers That Principal Source of Problem is Tiny Middle East Country Between Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea”
P. Diddy Abandons “Vote or Die” Movement, Says Voting Is A “Scam”
Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: The Real Story of Oregon Standoff
Meet The New Sniper Golem
Lol : la LDJ demande « l’interdiction » de Panamza
Quand Paul Sanfourche d’Envoyé spécial promettait d’être «intégre» et «juste»
Interview 1132 – Kerry Lutz Reports on the War on Cash
This is how the Jewish Lobby pushes for global wars
Selling hypnotic Reality
Jordan Bardella, l’élu FN qui veut « draguer les électeurs musulmans », est un partisan d’Israël
Zika: biggest news service in America absolutely clueless
Dans le piège de l’État Islamique, par William R. Polk
Patriarche Aphrem II : « Je demande une seule chose à l’Occident : arrêtez d’armer nos assassins »
Chuck Hagel : la Maison-Blanche a tenté de me « détruire »
Miscellanées du mercredi (Delamarche, Sapir, Béchade)
Told to leave, determined to stay: Bedouins of the Jordan Valley
Jewdas-a glimpse into Jewish Left Duplicity
What We Can Do: Global, 3 February: Gaza activists plan Twitter campaign for Mohammed al-Qeeq
A Letter on Bernie Sanders from a Jamaican Friend Who Thinks for Herself
La lettre d’analyses et d’informations libre n°10 (février 2016)
Trop de réfugiés ?
A View from the Trenches – from my Perspective by Todd Macfarlane
Palestine meeting at UK parliament canceled after lobby pressure
Zika Hoax: five things that will happen next
La Bulgarie, Chypre, la Grèce, la Hongrie et la Roumanie établissent un front pro-israélien
Daesh doit faire face aux défections
Interview 1131 – Elaine Dewar on Maurice Strong’s Cloak of Green
Sous le masque « anti-Daesh », par Manlio Dinucci
Où éclatera la prochaine crise économique mondiale ?, par Ariel Noyola Rodríguez
How Will Newsbud Reinvent Journalism?
Zika: The CDC is the medical CIA
Jamiol Presents
[Recommandé] Destructions wahhabites : les lieux saints de l’islam en péril
Hunger-striking Palestinian journalist can no longer speak
Kelly Slater Vote Nobody 2016, Investigate 9/11 and Screw Monsanto!!!
Palestinian Authority officer turns his gun on Israel
Ban Ki-moon's solidarity with Israel
Syrian Turkmens, Turkish Nationalists, Russian Jets & the Battle for Bayırbucak
The DOD and Hollywood – Tom Secker on The Opperman Report - Spy Culture
Newsbud-Where Media Integrity Matter: “How Will Newsbud Reinvent Journalism?”
If Sanders wins in Iowa, I am hoisting an American flag outside my window. (God Bless America) If Hilary wins, I am hoisting a Red flag! (Long Live the Dictatorship of the Proletariat)
Finkelstein will be available to speak in the UK on 7-11 March 2016. He is currently scheduled to speak at Oxford University and University of Bristol.
Israel facing “imminent collapse” (Guru of Ramallah) – “Israel’s economy has enjoyed one of the highest growth rates among the world’s developed economies” (OECD)
New Yorkers Celebrate Nancy Mansour’s Engagement to Mahmoud Abbas, Jr.
Justice Sauvage
Le Débrancheur Vs France 2: Le Flagrant délit de Manipulation
Zika: Mega-power’s best friend: the virus
Valls : « La France et Israël sont 2 nations soeurs »
Interview 1130 – The BFP Roundtable on What News Newsbud Will Cover
Dans la série « Les ennemis déclarés de Panamza », (re)découvrez aujourd’hui le « muslim-friendly » Claude Askolovitch
Vers la paix en Syrie, sans l'opposition armée, par Thierry Meyssan
Bibi à couteaux tirés avec le monde entier
“L’Europe sociale” des salaires…
Why are white people expats when the rest of us are immigrants?
[Mobilisation] Référendum néerlandais sur l’accord UE/Ukraine
Academic boycott of Israel takes off in Italy
Zika freaka: the other shoe drops: lying about case numbers
Mytho : un extrémiste juif prétend avoir recueilli « 23 032″ signatures pour faire « interdire Panamza »
Busted: 25,000 cases of microcephaly in the US per year
America’s secret history of forced sterilization: Remembering a disturbing and not-so-distant past
The Game on Why He Donated $500K to Flint : ‘Talk Is Cheap’
‘World’s Poorest President’ Explains Why We Should Kick Rich People Out Of Politics
Nearly all of our medical research is wrong
22 Clinton Emails Deemed Too Classified to Be Made Public
Zika? Monsanto’s Roundup associated with smaller heads
“Gaza Idol” To Join This Website (Coming soon)
Meet Maurice Strong: Globalist, Oiligarch, “Environmentalist”
ClandesTime 069 – Political Correctness Gone Mad - Spy Culture
Israel is Leading In Economic Inequality
Pas de salut pour les Bisounours
When A Country Without Abortion Tells Women To Not Get Pregnant
Demands grow on Israel to release circus teacher for disabled children
Turkey Issuing Warnings And Preparing For Battle With Russia
Youssef Boussoumah sur le PS
La Lettre d’Analyses et d’Informations Libre n°10 (février 2016) est en pré-commande
Lanceurs d’alerte: une activité à haut risque – reporter
Punks for West Papua
What is the leading edge of consciousness?
Paul Moreira répond aux critiques sur son film sur la révolution ukrainienne
[Recommandé] Soutien à Paul Moreira – et commentaires
Soothing the Beast: Saturday Night BFP-Jamiol Music, Episode #209
La Chine développe un nouveau système de transport de missiles balistiques intercontinentaux
Prévisions de revenus abondants pour l’industrie de la défense au milieu du ralentissement global, par Lee Fang
Revue de presse internationale du 31/01/2016
Zika: genetically engineered mosquitoes causing smaller heads?
Federal Study Will Pay You $3,000 Per Week to Consume Cannabis
Best of 2012 WeAreChange Confrontations.
Moi, Christiane T
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