Muhammad from Gaza on Sunshine in the Dead of Night (Thank you, Israel, thank you)
Soothing the Beast: Saturday Night BFP-Jamiol Music, Episode #175
Khader Adnan is starving for freedom again
Obama NSA Update and German G7 Police Rob Journalist
Alan Dershowitz' Plight
BREAKING: Intense Brutal Clashes At The #G7
Tens of Thousands March Against Global Elites Ahead of G7
Snap Chat Story Covering The G7 in Munich
Santiago du Chili : la place financière du yuan en Amérique latine, par Ariel Noyola Rodríguez
Missing Evidence of Prior FBI Relationship with Boston Bomber
Processing Distortion with Peter B. Collins: NSA Whistleblower Slams Fake “Reforms”
Revue de presse du 06/06/2015
Retour sur l’affaire Clearstream…
The Whistleblower’s Dilemma, Fawning Over Fracking & DNA Dollars: June 5, 2015
The Month in Pictures: May 2015
Schumer’s father was an exterminator. Small wonder, then, that he admires Sisi
Scott Walker, Professor of Education
Disinfowars 05 – The Disinfowar on Terror
L'auto-stop est un sport de combat (1)
L'auto-stop est un sport de combat (1)
L'auto-stop est un sport de combat (1)
L'auto-stop est un sport de combat (1)
ClandesTime episode 050 – Is the Truth Movement Dead?
The Whistleblower’s Dilemma: Loyalty vs. Moral Obligation
Paul Eisen on Jeremy Corbyn - The finest man in British politics
0406 Contre la Taxe Tobin (mais pour la TBF…)
Explosive Radioactive Waste. Anthrax Hijinks & CIA Assassinations: June 4, 2015
Claiming to preserve Jerusalem, Israeli archaeologists wreck Palestinian heritage
The Red Cross Raised Half A Billion Dollars for Haiti – Only Builds Six Homes
Akon Plans of Supplying Solar Power to 600 Million People in Africa
Gaza's grandparents endure one trauma after another
Quand BFM TV organise un débat sur l’islam… en l’absence de tout musulman
Anti-Muslim Protesters Find Peace With Islam After Being Invited into Mosque
The New Great Game Round-Up: June 4, 2015
i24 News: Skype call with Norman Finkelstein on BDS
Nicolas Sarkozy, du fichage policier des musulmans pratiquants aux réunions secrètes sur l’islam
Israel Threatening a Boycott is like Typhoid Mary Threatening Not to Visit New York
New Head of Jewish “Tolerance” Organization Says, “I Never Drink…Wine”
Vandal Army Prepares to Sack Rome; Peace Be Unto the Party of Roman Gods (and May It Smite the Vandal Hordes)
Alex Nunns Spots a Vampire
Lindsay Graham thinks Kim-Jong un is easier to talk to than Hillary Clinton.
Congratulation Tony Blair
Google et les autres : une domination abusive ?
WhoWhatWhy Exclusive: Our Homeless, Explosive Radioactive Waste
Jamiol Presents
1000 [Idée reçue] Les États ne font jamais défaut…
The War on Us, Bush’s Big Comeback & Bill Clinton’s Empire; June 3, 2015
Arizonans Stage Sit-In to Halt Inland Immigration Checkpoints
"Only our mothers supported us" -- former Palestinian prisoner
Sunbathing at the crime scene: the Israeli resort that covers up a massacre
BFP Exclusive Report- A Distillation of DOD Funding Priorities for May 2015
JSW on Why Einstein Didn’t Need a Neon Sign Saying “I AM A GENIUS”
Un officiel US accuse Damas de soutenir Daesh
The CIA’s latest movie: Spy
FBI behind mysterious surveillance aircraft over US cities
Michael Collins Piper (1960-2015)
Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio — Friends Forever, Momentary Enemies
Man diagnosed with cancer uses life savings to build a road for his village versus treating cancer
No Left is Left
Unconstitutional: The War on Our Civil Liberties
La victoire diplomatique de Vladimir Poutine, par Alfredo Jalife-Rahme
The Second Holocaust Has Begun
JSM on PA & FIFA (on Amira Hass’s analysis)
Paper towels or no paper towels, toilet paper or no toilet paper, inside a john or inside a courtroom, of one thing there can be no doubt: He’s always full of shit
Miscellanées du mercredi (Delamarche, Sapir, Béchade)
Stratfor : Les États-Unis veulent empêcher l’alliance germano-russe
When death was in everyone's eyes: recalling Bethlehem's siege
Gilad Atzmon explains the subversion of the pro-Palestine cause by the Jewish left
The Undemocratic Process, FBI Spy Planes & Sgt. Pepper’s Birthday: June 2, 2015
Todd et Schneidermann, d’accord avec le Crif : «antisionisme=antisémitisme»
Another Secret Revealed from Camp Hillary Clinton
DisInfoWars with Tom Secker- The Disinfowar on Terror
La France accepte une transition par consentement mutuel en Syrie
Déclaration des co-présidents de la Coalition internationale contre Daech, par Haïder al-Abadi, John F. Kerry, Laurent Fabius
Virginia Man Exercises His Rights and Shuts Down Police – All While Eating Oatmeal
Mikheil Saakhachvili renonce à la nationalité géorgienne
64 % des États-uniens pensent que le Pentagone perd contre Daesh
Philippe Layat : « Aujourd’hui, c’est le pot de terre contre le pot de vin »
Undemocratic Primary: The Backroom Deal is Back
La course aux armes high-tech, par Manlio Dinucci
Qatar ta gueule à la récré !
Actu’Ukraine 02/06
[Reprise] Comment soumettre la société de casino, par Warren Buffet
Jade Helm’s Posse Comitatus Problem & The World’s Policeman: June 1, 2015
Des militants de Idle no More protestent contre la vente d’objets sacrés amérindiens
LAPD in STAND OFF with Call of Duty STATUE!
Capital censuré ? Le patron de M6 admet exercer une « pression économique »
Restaurant logo and Animal logos by Pixellogo logo-2622
Rand Paul and Political Rand-standing
Washington tente un changement de régime en Macédoine
Les infos dont on parle peu n°95 (1er juin 2015)
New Revolutionary Cancer Treatment: “biggest breakthrough since chemotherapy”
La Chine féconde son influence en Amérique du Sud à travers la « Route de la Soie », par Ariel Noyola Rodríguez
Conférence de Richard Gage à Paris
JUST ANNOUNCED: Change Media University BootCamp At PorcFest
Toucher le fond – Sur les attentats djihadistes des 7, 8 et 9 janvier à Paris et leurs suites
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