La Grèce s’approche à grande vitesse d’un défaut de paiement, en effet, le 5 juin prochain, elle doit rembourser au FMI 1.5 milliard d’euros. Le gouvernement Grec aura alors le choix entre rembourser cette somme ou payer ses fonctionnaires. Pour le Ministre Grecque des finances, Yanis Varoufakis, le choix est vite fait. Invité sur la
Grèce : fin de la partie le 5 juin 2015 ?
These Futuristic ‘Floating Seahorse’ Homes Are Partially Submerged
Disinfowars 4 – How the Cold War became the War on Terror
Gilad Atzmon on the The Richie Allen Show
Is Lindsay Graham the GOP version of Bernie Sanders?
As expected: Warren supporters go for Bernie in 2016
Actu’Ukraine 27 mai 2015
Va te faire voir !
The Boston Bombing Mystery Man, Clinton’s Cashiering & Cyborgs: May 26, 2015
Le chef du service de renseignement belge avoue qu’il a menti sur des attentats pour faire approuver Prism
[Reprise] 7 mythes sur la Russie de Poutine : l’URSS 2.0 par Alexandre Latsa et Pierre Gentillet
Think Homelessness Can’t be Eradicated? These Communities Did It
This ‘Lucky Iron Fish’ is halving instances of anaemia in Cambodia
US Govt proposes to classify cybersecurity or hacking tools as weapons of war
Declassified Document Proves DoD Supporting ISIS via “buffer zones”
Pizza Hut and Taco Bell Announce They’re Ditching Artificial Ingredients
Changement de nom autorisé pour l’UMP : « Nous ne sommes pas le 51e état des Etats-Unis ! »
DisInfoWars with Tom Secker- How the Cold War became the War on Terror
Sheriff dispatches SWAT tank and chopper – finds a homeless man with food
Obama’s Valentine to Israel
Jewish Solidarity Spin: How Jews Undermine the Palestinian Cause
Kylie Jenner Exposes Chemtrails – “Trying to Wake People Up”
Bernie Sanders on Hillary: “That type of wealth has the potential to isolate you from the reality of the world.”
Apple Co-Founder: ‘US would look like Dubai if it didn’t spend all its money on military’
Counterpunch - On Gilad Atzmon’s “The Definitive Israeli Lexicon”
Boston Bombing Core Mystery: Why are Feds Not Interested in this Man?
Le califat voulu par les États-Unis, par Manlio Dinucci
Les dents du désert
Les dents du désert
Pour une démocratie impartiale
Probable Cause with Sibel Edmonds- The Normalization of Corruption in the So-Called Land of the Free
Marco Rubio has a campaign blueprint for 2016. Literally.
Ecocapsule is the egg-shaped tiny home that can go off-grid ANYWHERE
Sortir de l’Euro, par Jacques Sapir
Indelible Images of Memorial Day & the CIA’s JFK Files: May 25, 2015
1945: The Savage Peace
Why it matters if Beyonce supports Hillary in 2016
Thinkerview – Interview de Peter Dale Scott
Israel to seize 202 acres of Palestinian land as dumping ground
Sweetener Stevia Was Once Hailed As An Anti-Fertility Agent for Population Reduction
Pope Francis Will Visit The U.N. to Call Upon: “crusade for New World Order”
This solar powered floating farm can produce 20 tons of vegetables every day
Free Speech Takes Huge Hit as Oakland Bans Protests at Night, Implements Anti-Protest Curfew
Spanking children slows cognitive development and increases risk of criminal behavior, expert says
La peau des mots
Saudis to Launch Nuclear Program; Royal Family Enrolls in Intensive Course to Learn Addition and Subtraction (Special Coaches Being Imported From Sri Lanka to Teach Multiplication Table)
JSW on Crucifixions, Then and Now
Memorial Day in Images
I have been nominated by Dieudonné for the quenelle d'or awards - please vote for me
Londoners- OHE/Fanfare Summer Party - Humus, Wine, Music & Literature
La chute de Palmyre renverse l'équilibre géopolitique au Levant, par Thierry Meyssan
Noam Chomsky et la stupidité institutionnelle
Le témoignage d’une commandante de police fait exploser le dossier Kerviel
Juggalos Classified As Hate Group – Just Like We Are Change Is
“War is just a Racket”: Memorial Day Is A Hoax. “Our Soldiers Died for the Profits of the Bankers”
Pour le NPA, la lutte contre les « fachos » prime sur celle contre Monsanto
Un an après, l’affaire Mehdi Nemmouche
J’ai été témoin d’un crime contre l’humanité ! Un message de Caleb Maupin, journaliste américain, depuis le port de Djibouti
Dancing man hits mainstream from anti-police brutality blogger
Washington et Moscou conviennent d'un nouveau processus de paix en Syrie
Corporation Bribes Landowner With Prostitutes To Build Pipeline (Video)
Secret Pentagon Report Reveals US “Created” ISIS As A “Tool” To Overthrow Syria’s President Assad
How George W. defended his family legacy – and how Jeb could learn.
Jeb, the GOP, and the legacy of Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University
Désobéissons à l’Union européenne !
Conférence des Éconoclastes à Lille, le 24 mars 2015
Je surjoue
Alison Weir: Please help us overcome the accusations against If Americans Knew
Gilad Atzmon on Muhammad & Friends (May 2015)
Les infos dont on parle peu n°94 (23 mai 2015)
“Wake Up Before It’s Too Late:” New UN Report Calls for Dramatic Shift Toward Natural Agriculture
Soothing the Beast: Saturday Night BFP-Jamiol Music, Episode #173
The New Drone Order is Only Beginning: Intro- All is Buzzing on the Geopolitical Front
Record-Breaking Energy Unleashed in Largest Atom Smasher
“I can tell you from the inside, he’s got a lot to spare,” Jeffrey Goldberg heard whispering, as Obama springs joyful news on Jewish audience that he’s getting circumcised
Video – Ukrainian Militants Allegedly Hang a Militia Man and his Pregnant Wife
RadioWhoWhatWhy Extra: What the Boston Juror Never Heard But America Must
Revue de presse du 23/05/2015
The Sixth Branch of the Military, Neocon-men & the Silicon Scam: May 22, 2015
@font-face tutorial and user guide by Milton Bayer
Fullscreen Flash on Dual Monitor Linux
Wisconsin Governor Lets Millionaire Donors Know How Much It’ll Take to Buy Him Off
Jeb Bush: Rand Paul Is ‘Wrong’ About Patriot Act | National Review Online
Cops Who Flash Banged Infant’s Crib Are Blaming the Baby
Blanc, noir, aigri.
Decapitated body of Brazilian journalist and blogger investigating child prostitution ring found
[Quand les chiens de garde Vincent Tiberj et Nonna Mayer attaquent Todd] Scoop, il y avait 15 millions de manifestants le 11 janvier !
“Blockades, war and poor governance have strangled Gaza’s economy and the unemployment rate is now the highest in the world according to the latest World Bank economic update”
Zak Attack on “Quiet for Quiet”
Jewish Prophets Message “Jeff” Goldberg
Muhammad from Gaza: Diaspora (2)
France to force big supermarkets to give away unsold food to charity
Les saoudiens bombardent un bureau d’aide internationale et tuent 5 réfugiés
[Todd] Quand le Cevipof loupe la deuxième couche…
RadioWhoWhatWhy: Police Becoming Sixth Branch of US Military?
L’Europe à l’heure de la faim
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