Attentat à Charlie Hebdo
House adopts Amash transparency reforms
Former Head of Cyber Security Gets 25 Years for Planning to “Violently Rape and Murder Children”
Tony Blair ‘could face war crimes charges’ over Iraq War
Mind control: the Pentagon mission to program the brain
We Are Built To Be Kind
Massive 5,000-year-old underground city uncovered in Cappadocia, Turkey
GMO-Free Food Sales Explode Amid Public Awareness
Gunmen Hunted After 12 Killed At Paris Magazine
9 Earthquakes Rock North Texas In Less Than A Day
How Sharpton gets paid to not cry ‘racism’ at corporations
L'Émirat islamique adopte son budget 2015
Signature d'un accord de coopération entre Israël et le Japon
Après 42 ans, Andy Marshall quitte le Pentagone
McCain et d’autres hauts responsables accusés de visiter illégalement la Syrie
Dies irae
8201 Le Virus Ebola, et l’épidémie 2014
Miscellanées du mercredi (Delamarche, Sapir, Béchade)
Gaza struggles with lack of shelter caused by two Israeli wars
The FBI’s Stingrays, Troubling Incarceration & Another Bush Rises: Jan. 6, 2015
The FBI’s Stingrays, Troubling Incarceration & Another Bush Rises: Jan. 6, 2015
Hot off the nonpress: The Khazarian Sex Predator Gene May Soon Be Found
Why the Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect Is Silent
The Month in Pictures: December 2014
Jamiol Presents
Globe logo and Music logos-3d-932
Faut-il renouveler le discours musulman, ou le réviser complètement ?, par La Fille de la Terre
Actualité économique avec P. Jovanovic
Justice of Memory, Memory of the Just
L'arme géopolitique du pétrole, par Manlio Dinucci
10 Ways to Opt Out of the System
3 Inexpensive Superfoods
Dallas Black Panthers are Responding to Police Brutality, With Armed Neighborhood Patrols
Court papers reveal efforts paedophile made to stop victims from speaking to FBI
Cops Confiscate Guns From Vet Diagnosed With Insomnia
Parents Are Calling the Cops to Supervise them Spanking their Children
New Report Shows THOUSANDS of Whistleblowers Facing Retaliation in Police State USA
Russia’s “Startling” Proposal To Europe: Dump The US, Join The Eurasian Economic Union
Ecuadorian Student Invents “Bat Suit”: Allows Blind To Move Without Cane
Controversial DNA startup wants to let customers create creatures
Le CNAS, version démocrate de l'impérialisme conquérant, par Thierry Meyssan
Les créatures du Léviathan
[Invité] La Syrie va rester pour de nombreuses années un réservoir de djihadistes, par Frédéric Pichon
Encyclopedia Dramatica:About - Encyclopedia Dramatica
Capitaine Voloshin : « L'avion était au mauvais endroit, au mauvais moment », par Dmitry Steshin, Nicholas Varsegov, Vladimir Sungorkin
[Reprise] Grexit : le piège tendu par Angela Merkel aux électeurs grecs
The Boston Bombing Trial Begins: Jan. 5, 2015
Roms : Les obsèques surmédiatisées de la petite Maria Francesca
The New Great Game Round-Up: January 5, 2015
World logo and Map logos by Pixellogo 3d-853
BREAKING: Dow Falls Over 300 Points as Oil Prices Hit New Lows
British musician slams US on Palestine's UN bid
économie : Olivier Delamarche VS Marc Riez, sur BFM TV
The Boston Bombing Trial Starts, But Answers Aren’t on the Docket
Leaked ‘Kill List’ Shows NATO/US Knew Kids Were Dying
US Army Report:ISIS and Israel working together to counter Assad to cement Israels Energy Grab
Documents Reveal How CIA “Develop” Covert Propaganda “Themes to Push ‘Hot Buttons’ of Americans”
Steelers Fan Kicked Out of Game for Tweet
US lawmakers ‘bought and paid for’ by Israel lobby: Scholar
Hedge fund founder slain in New York bedroom; police seek his son
The Royal Family are exempt from Freedom of Information requests and can veto BBC programs.
Medical Kidnapping: Billion Dollar Adoption Business
Ending Road Kill: Land Bridge Gives Animals Right of Way on Roads
Are You Aware of the Ziplock Method for DUI Checkpoints? Watch, Learn, and Be Amazed
Writers Say They Feel Censored by Surveillance
Rescue dog saved owner’s life sniffing out aggressive tumor
Déferlante migratoire
Le bonheur grec a la sauce Merkel et Juncker…
« Une grammaire est comme un planisphère »
From Gilad Atzmon to Alan Dershowitz
Elle est pas mal aussi la 2e égérie ukrainienne de ELLE… (ELLE 2/3) + Avis de recherche
Quand un journaliste minimise l’inexcusable sur RFI… (ELLE 3/3)
Découvrez le magnifique film «dénoncé» par le Crif
Gilad Atzmon on George Galloway's Sputnik
Is There a “Triple Government” at Work?
Dr. Ewen Cameron and psychiatric mind control
Iran: We thwarted Mossad attempt to assassinate nuclear scientist
Russian Battle Robots Near Testing for Military Use
Wearing A Hoodie In Oklahoma Could Soon Cost You A $500 Fine
Robot Learns How to Cook via YouTube
Archeologists discover Mythical Tomb of Osiris, God of the Dead, in Egypt
In Education-Crazy South Korea, Top Teachers Become Multimillionaires
Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew: Linked to PEDOPHILE RING
Obama Sanctions North Korea For Sony Hack Which Was Perpetrated By Disgruntled Former Employee
Police Using Special Radar that Can See Through Walls: Court Worries They Might Abuse Power
How to Construct a Greenhouse Using Plastic Water Bottles! And 22 Amazing Examples.
AirAsia Was Not Authorized to Fly Route the Day of Crash
10 Reasons Expert Paper Warns of Crash: 2015
La démocratie et la notion de pouvoir
Analyse détaillée du projet de loi Macron : En route pour le « régressisme » ?, par Gérard Filoche
Les salaires des PDG sont sans rapport avec leurs performances
[Mediapart, c'est aussi ça...] Affaire Piketty : histoire d’une amnésie collective par Hubert Huertas
Revue de presse internationale du 04/01/2015
Excellent commentary on the TORTURE report
My old friend Nader Hashemi and Abdullah al Arian (son of the great Sami Al Arian) on the Muslim Brotherhood after the coup
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