La Suisse contre la violence
Otpor, Canvas and Terrorism
BFP Exclusive- The Balkans Presidential December: A Test for the US-NATO Empire
IDF soldiers give their lunch to hungry Palestinian children
‘U.S. military shot down MH370 because they thought it had been hacked and was about to be used in terror attack’, claims former airline boss
Le nouveau grand défi de Cuba, par Manlio Dinucci
Forget nuclear arms. The U.S. and Saudis are behind an oil price crash that could topple regimes in Russia and Iran
Fox Affiliate Caught Deceptively Editing Footage of Police Protesters
BBC World Service fears losing information war as Russia Today ramps up pressure
California county routinely kidnaps thousands of babies without any warrant or reason, lawsuit claims
North Korea’s Internet goes ‘totally down’
New Jersey Man Who Has No Use of His Arms Charged with Gun Possession
Holiday Gifts of Magic and Mayhem
NASA’s Incredible, Futuristic, And Totally Real Plan To Establish A Human Colony On Venus
Why Are We Blaming Protestors For The Death Of The NYPD
Va-t-on supprimer les fêtes de Noël ?
Ambiguïté de la victimisation
Bonnes fêtes
[Bombe] “Les chemins de Damas” : Comment l’Elysée a manipulé les rapports sur les armes chimiques
Rebel songs to rap: the history of Palestine's music
Merry Christmas
Ken O'Keefe- Where are the Oath Keepers? 911, Mossad and beyond
Fourest envoie un journaliste indépendant au tribunal : ses détracteurs habituels font profil bas
Boston Bombing, Sony Suspicions & Anthrax Doubts: Dec. 22, 2014
Peru Is Now Giving Free Solar Power To Its 2 Million Poorest Citizens
Redress Online: BBC executive Danny Cohen publicly endorses key Zionist mantra
American Exceptionalism and American Torture
The New Great Game Round-Up: December 22, 2014
BBC Chief Questions the Future of Jews in UK
Quand votre argent sert à célébrer Chalghoumi
Jean Malaquais – « Cette profonde humanité »
The Truth About the NYPD Murders
First arrest in forex scandal: Former RBS trader held on suspicion of rigging £3.5trillion foreign exchange market
North Korea threatens to ‘blow up’ White House after claiming it was behind The Interview
Rick Perry: “large doses of vaccines” may be needed “to respond to a bio-terror attack on our nation”
The article doesn’t even mention Haneen Zoabi, who is by far the smartest, most sensible and most courageous of them all!
Already 50,000 signatures for Italian referendum on Euro, Eurosceptic leader says
10 Times Social Media Made the World Better in 2014
La Curie romaine et le Corps du Christ , par Pape François
Rallies staged in over 30 Spanish cities against tough new anti-protest law
Hero police officer praised after sprinting to hospital with sick baby in his arms
Message To All Humanity – Charlie Chaplin
Why I Still Love Humanity (Make Our Christmas, Tony Blair: Please Die.)
Another Wonderful Class in Turkey. (The male student to my right is from Gaza.)
Les négociations secrètes de Washington avec La Havane et Téhéran, par Thierry Meyssan
Washington Prostitution Ring Broken; Pimp Seeks Asylum under Law of Return
Syrie : le terrorisme au nom de la « démocratie », par Nadia Khost
Community Building and Outreach Can Stop The Violence, On Scene of NYPD Murder
La blague du jour : le FN veut interdire l’UOIF après avoir défendu la LDJ
Syrie : Fabius, Lavrov, et les mensonges des médias français
Boston Marathon Bombing: A Primer
Norman Finkelstein in a program of A Haber TV, December 20 2014, explains most of “journalism” in one minute.
My Wonderful Class at Sakarya University
Israel Denounces UN’s Crime Against Humanity: “Only Jews are entitled to compensation!”
La vérité sur Bernard-Henri Lévy (À la loupe#2)
The War on Christmas
Pentagon Unveils New Name For ISIS, 25 Times In One Speech
US is militarizing Ukraine to invade Russia
UN General Assembly adopts resolution for Palestinian sovereignty in W. Bank, Gaza, E. Jerusalem
St. Louis Prosecutor Says He Knew Multiple Witnesses Were Lying to Ferguson Grand Jury, Will Not Pursue Charges
Paris : rassemblement en soutien à Laurent Gbagbo
Houston P.D. Orders All Officers Turn Off Body Cameras During Protest
These Dreamers Are Actually Making Progress Building Elon’s Hyperloop
Cops go ballistic on ‘misbehaving’ preschooler
More than 100 police supporters in ‘I can breathe’ T-shirts mocking Eric Garner’s last words clash with anti-cop protesters in New York City
Union: NYPD Now a ‘Wartime’ Police Dept.
Sony Executive Met With CIA Official One Month Before Hack
Paris : la manifestation contre les violences policière termine en partie de cache cache
Jews In Israel (very funny)
Revue de presse du 21/12/2014
Step Up for Truth
Tous rebelles
Il y a urgence car le secteur financier est hypertrophié, par JM Naulot
[Reprise] ISRAEL. La loi sur “l’Etat nation du peuple juif” qui a mis le feu aux poudres
Jewish Insanity- a new Jewish State in Germany
Les infos dont on parle peu n°81 (20 décembre 2014)
BREAKING: Important Federal Bitcoin Decision
Alsaciens et bonnets rouges contre la réforme territoriale
Apple’s Broken Promises – Failing to Protect It’s Workers
Soothing the Beast: Saturday Night BFP-Jamiol Music, Episode 151
The Sony North Korea Hacking Conspiracy: What You Need To Know
Laurent Fabius, gravement malade, devrait être remplacé
Le Tribunal administratif de Paris admet la responsabilité française en Syrie
Animal logo and Lion logos-logo-2797
ISOHunt Creates “Open Bay” To Allow Internet Users To Copy The Pirate Bay
US Soldiers Raped Boys In Front Of Their Mothers
Possible upcoming attempts to disable the Tor network
City Goes Fluoride-Free for Christmas
Leaked Internal CIA Document Admits US Drone Program “Counterproductive”
New Brunswick Cannot Use Fracking Without First Constulting First Nations
They Paid Him To Research Frogs, And Now They’re Telling Him To Shut Up – Or Else
‘Santa cop’ hands out $100 bills instead of tickets
U.S. Plans to Sue New York Over Rikers Island Conditions
Man Tries Stealing Baby Formula: Police Buy It For Him Instead
Impossible, la paix entre Obama et Poutine ? , par Alfredo Jalife-Rahme
A la loupe 2 : La vérité sur BHL
Natali Cohen Vaxberg in support of Max Blumenthal and David Sheen
[Entraide] DiaCrisis – Appel aux dons 4e trimestre + souscription
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