'Some people make a living, others make a killing' - An exclusive documentary on former PM Tony Blair by @georgegalloway MP
The Blair Doc (@TheBlairDoc) | Twitter
Bonne année à tous les damnés de la terre !
PM David Cameron's Hanukah Spiel
Corporations Have Renamed ‘High Fructose Corn Syrup’
Get ready: The FCC says it will vote on net neutrality in February
Micro-houses for micro-wages: How much room does London have for low-earning workers?
Russia Says Ukrainian Nazis Pay Blackwater for Training
Genetically modified genes on rice can now be seen in human blood and organs
US-led coalition aircraft aiding ISIL: Iraq commander
Majority Leader McConnell’s Aides Say Senate Will Vote on Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed Bill
Nissan Sentra 2002
[Entraide] Amateur d’Histoire
[Mediapart suite] Martine Billard à “Objections”
Sortie de l’euro : Bernard Maris vire sa cuti
Revue de presse du 03/01/2015
[Reprise] Le FMI veut que les contribuables garantissent les prêts octroyés aux entreprises
Shadowy Spygames & Two Profitable Industrial Complexes: Jan. 2, 2015
MediaFail: The Sony Hack, North Korea and Tales Swallowed Whole
Le prince Andrew, Alan Dershowitz et Jeffrey Epstein accusés d’abus sexuels sur mineurs
Prince Andrew and Alan Dershowitz named in US lawsuit over underage sex allegations
Une nouvelle devise pour l'Union monétaire nord-américaine, l'améro ?, par Alfredo Jalife-Rahme
Gilad Atzmon on George Galloway's Sputnik (RT) ... don’t miss
Twenty States Raised Their Minimum Wage Yesterday
Computer glitch prevents US’ most advanced F-35 fighter jet from firing until 2019 – report
Fed Hiring “Emergency Preparedness Specialist Familiar With DHS Directives”
Stricken AirAsia plane soared ‘as fast as a fighter jet’ and then dropped almost vertically into Java Sea as if being thrust down by a giant hand, crash experts revealed
Police arrest ‘suicide bomber’ after Atocha train station in Madrid evacuated
Oliver Stone says Ukraine Massacre has CIA Fingerprints
Congrès européen du GUD : le Réveil des Nations
‘It was us': CIA ‘fesses up on UFO sightings in 1950-60s
Mis en examen pour avoir qualifié Caroline Fourest de «désinformatrice»
Israeli warplanes fly over Lebanon’s capital, south
In the pocket (Le cri de la tomate – n° 6)
États-Unis. Le drame des enfants sans domicile fixe
Démocratie ou dirigisme ?
[Vidéo] TV Lobotomie – La vérité scientifique sur les effets de la télévision
'Jewish Left' Is An Oxymoron
The Guardian Proclaims The President of Israel as a Hero of 2014.
San Francisco Schools Transformed by the Power of Meditation
Couple thrown in JAIL for being unable to pay court fees on traffic ticket they received visiting dying son in hospital
Fed Up: Florida Crowd Forms Human Shield to Protect Man Police Try to Arrest for Smoking Marijuana
Infographic: The Apps That Know Everything About You
Expert: U.S. Has Leveraged Economy On Shale Oil, Which Saudis May Be About To Crash
Qu’est ce qu’on attend, François ?
Très bonne année 2015 !
Happy New Year and Reasons To Be Cheerful
Time Marches On, Free Trade Flies & the FBI Fumbles: Dec. 31, 2014
Capture of Top al-Qaeda Operative Highlights Turkey’s Role in U.S.-NATO Terror Operations
2014 Year In Review From WeAreChange
Happy Happy Birthday to the One and Only Sana Kassem
Israel’s anti-African dragnet tightens
The NYPD is Essentially Refusing to do Its Job and Yet New York Hasn’t Collapsed into Chaos
Resolution for Palestinian State Fails in United Nations Security Council
Colorado Sells $34 Million Of Cannabis: $3.4 Million Goes To Schools, Crime Down 15%
France enacts law allowing govt to snoop on private internet user data – report
Great Quotations on the Mysteries of Time
Speaker of the House John Boehner Admits to Bribery
It Wasn’t North Korea Or Russia: Sony Hack “Perpetrator” Said To Be Laid-Off, Disgruntled Employee
Houellebecq piraté : il aura suffi d’un seul internaute pour saborder son business antimusulman
Maine Bill Seeks To Halt Surge In Vaccination Avoidance
State Departments of Agriculture are Attempting to Regulate Seed Banks Out of Existence
This App Claims to Know When Police Are Tracking You with Fake Cell Towers
23e jour de grève au centre de tri de La Poste de Meyzieu (banlieue lyonnaise)
Obama Adviser Jonathan Gruber In 2009: Obamacare Will NOT Be Affordable
Alleged Horror In Israel: 30,000 Mossad Spies Exposed By Anonymous
Anne-Laure Delatte : « La Grèce a 180% de son PIB à rembourser »
Quand ELLE fait de la pub pour les néonazi(e)s… (ELLE 1/3)
Miscellanées du mercredi (Delamarche, Sapir)
BP’s Cartel, The Military’s Tragedy & Some Actual Progress: Dec. 30, 2014
“Spare Change” by Joy Camp
Zapping de l’année 2014 : Retour sur 1 an d’information libre
Cui bono? Why 12-15 Was an Inside Job
La servante
Olivier Delamarche : 1% de croissance, on y arrivera avec la drogue et la prostitution…
United Airlines sues 22-year-old who found method for buying cheaper plane tickets
Sen. Lindsey Graham to Netanyahu: Congress Will ‘Follow Your Lead’
Ecuador Opens National Electronic Money System
AirAsia CEO Dumped Shares Days Before Flight Disappeared
California Activists Want Sexual Consent Taught to Kindergartners
The 2.6 Billion Dollar Welfare Payment That The U.S. Government Gives To Wal-Mart
Most Welfare Recipients Don’t Use Drugs, So Why Do States Keep Drug-Testing Them?
How The Elite Stay In Power
Le système institutionnel suisse
2014, bonne année pour l'Otan, par Manlio Dinucci
Rachat d’Alstom : Le Centre Français de Recherche sur le renseignement (CF2R) publie un rapport qui conclut à un « scandale d’état »
Le fantastique : un remède homéopathique face à l’aliénation de la société marchande
Manuel Ochsenreiter: Тoday´s Тhreat to Europe is the US Occupation
Avec l’Europe, les socialistes ont créé les conditions d’impossibilité de leur propre politique, par Jean Bricmont
BFP Exclusive- Without Truth, Life is Worthless: On Sibel Edmonds’ The Lone Gladio
Double Your Impact: Donate Now
The NSA Breaks the Internet & The Pope Gets Hot About Climate: Dec. 29, 2014
La géopolitique du terrorisme
Are Student Loans Bringing Back Indentured Labor?
L'incroyable plan de « paix » US pour la Syrie, par Thierry Meyssan
Happy Happy Birthday to Arwa, the smartest, sweetest, prettiest girl in all of Palestine–and the Universe!
Sapere Aude! (Dare to think for yourself!)
5-acre Commercial Permaculture Orchard Yields Incredible Abundance + Revives Bee Population
NSA Employees Spied On Spouses, Collected Data On Americans
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